FFT Meteor v 1.0 for Windows ® 95/98

( Shareware ) If you search one full free version please go to Meteor v 4.0 Dos

On this page Download free trial version 30 days !

Please read before attentively this page. She contains more important Informations !

Material required ?

You must possess an installation radio with the technical features described in pages " The Technique " and " The Material ", only one difference with WMeteor it is that you will use the sound card of your computer instead of an interfacing special Meteor. The display of the hourly numbering of meteors is assured by Colorgramme v 2.2 - FFT meteor and Colorgrammes can work simultaneously.

Minimum Required Configuration for FFT Meteor :
Computer PC  Pentium 200 minimum.

SVGA screen ( 800x600 16 or 24 bit color display).
16 Mo Ram
"Sound blaster" Sound Card
Don't run another application on your computer with FFT Meteor ! Only Colorgramme...

ATTENTION: FFT Meteor is not destined to function under Windows 3.1

How to get a complete version of  FFT Meteor ?

REGISTER is necessary to get your serial number. For it send by post office a check or postal mandate an amount of 100 French Francs ( Prefered and lowest price ! ), or 20 US Dollars or 20 Euro(s) to:

Pierre Terrier
65 Rue de la Ville
34800 Canet     ( France - Europe )

In your letter Indicate your Address postal and/or your e-mail to get in return your SN° by post and by e-mail (faster).

This serial number you authorize to use FFT Meteor and WMeteor !


FFT Meteor is foreseen to work SOLELY in Universal Time!
FFT Meteor uses the hour of your computer that is why he is INDISPENSABLE to configure the clock in your Windows parameters correctly.
1°) in the start menu of Windows select " Parameters " then " Configuration Panel".
2°) open clock program.

Clock configuration Panel

3°) select the tab " time zone "uncheck the box" to Adjust the clock for the automatic observation of the hour of summer" (only in France ???) in the list of places select " GMT hour of Greenwich, Dublin etc... " Validate, close then run WMeteor.

Regional parameters

To be informed of the last news concerning FFT Meteor and to write any questions please subscribe to the list meteor@ml.free.fr (this list use English & French language )

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Download 30 days Free Trial Version here ! 465 Ko

See FFT Meteor v 1.0 Documentation on Line here !