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Cave Detection

Finding a new cave is every caver's ambition. In some parts of the world, this is not too difficult. However, in countries like the UK, with a long caving tradition, it's much harder to find something new. To augment the traditional methods of "pushing" caves, people are considering how electronics can provide a means of detecting underground cavities from the surface.

A number of techniques have been postulated. In particular, the principles of gravity, earth resistance, permeability, permittivity and  sub-surface radar, have been considered.

One technique which shows particular promise is earth resistance measurement. Such a rig was demonstrated at a CREG field meeting in South Wales. The equipment drove a large array of ground rods and displayed the results graphically on a laptop computer. A high degree of correlation with known underground passages was achieved.

Tomography Photograph Setting up an earth resistance tomography rig, for mapping underground voids. To see this photograph in more detail (190K) click here.



Page last modified: July 2001


Contact: CREG Website Editor

Cave Radio & Electronics Group