CHF signal strength
An Investigation of Propagation on the North Atlantic path by monitoring the Canadian Naval Station CFH
Information provided by Alan Melia (G3NYK)
updated several times per week

The Canadian Naval station CFH transmits on 137.00kHz with an approximate power to the aerial of 10kW. It has been noted that when it is active, signals are received in Europe from this site during the night hours. Because dark path was the most likely time to produce two-way communication with N.America on the Amateur 136kHz band, it was decided to attempt to monitor the station regularly in an attempt to understand the vagaries of the propagation at this frequency.

Full details of the experimental setup can be found here.


Have a look at some pictures of the CFH transmitter and antenna

An Investigation of Propagation on the Trans European north-south path by monitoring the Greek Station SXV

In addition Alan has been monitoring the Greek Station SXV since February 2001.
The results can be found here.

Show monthly data :

January-February 2001

March 2001

Data of previous months (starting september 2000) can be downloaded as ZIP, see below

CFH has been off air between 21 december 2000 and 30 january 2001
since 31 january CFH is on air irregulary

For slow connections :

Show a single graph

Past months as ZIP

September 2000
October 2000
November 2000
December 2000
January - March 2001

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CFH recording session of 18 december 2000

During the night of 18/19 december 2000 CFH was recorded by several radioamateurs in Europe.
Click here to see the results of this recording session.

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Summary of the measurements in the period September - December 2000

DF6NM and G3NYK have created 2 pictures that try to help the interpretation of the CFH recordings in the period September - December 2000.
Click here to see this summary.

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