First an antenna site is necessary.   This is not the usual conventional type of antenna. The array is designed to be built completely underground. Space for construction is necessary and may be any where from 500 to 1000 linear feet.

Due to the fact that we will be dealing with extremely long wavelengths on the order of miles rather than feet,  you are going to need a little space. As long as you have a strip of property at least five hundred or more feet in length you will be able to detect the signals.  There are several items of interest in determining your location.  You will be building two arrays widely separated from each other.  The further apart the better. Also if you have  a choice, a damp location is better than dry rocky soil.

The first step in constructing your antenna/detector is to determine the magnetic  orientation. Take an ordinary pocket compass and locate magnetic north.  The line of sight between the two points should be aligned with North-South.  The next step is to obtain some ground rods at least eight feet in length,  put on some gloves  and start driving one into the ground.  "Helpful Hint">  We found that a standard metal fence post driver purchased from the local farm store was ideal for the job. It helps also to take a pair of post diggers and dig out a hole about 18" deep. Then drive the rod down  into the ground below the surface of the hole leaving enough room to make a connection.   Use a ground rod clamp, connect at least a 14 gauge wire conductor to it, and then take the wire and go to the other  location where you wish to install the other  ground rod. This wire will be used to measure the DC resistance between the two ground rods.

Now you will repeat the procedure exactly as you did at the other end. Also connect the 14 gauge wire to this ground rod. After completion, obtain an ohmmeter, and open the wire conductor and measure the resistance. Make a note of the reading, then reverse the ohmmeter leads and measure again.  Then take this  reading, average it with the other reading and you will have a close indication of the DC  resistance between the two probes. (Ground Rods)  Very likely unless you have excellent soil conductivity in your area, the reading will be several thousand ohms.  The point is to lower this reading as much as possible. The lower the better.

Keep adding rods at each probe site, spaced 8 feet apart from one another until the  resistance gets down to between 50 and 600 ohms. Keep in mind two items. The  further apart the probe sites, the lower the resistance, and the more rods driven into  the ground, the lower the resistance. We have found that on the average, 5 grounds at each end of the site are sufficient to obtain this reading.

Another option rather than using ground rods, in rocky or extremely hard soil, you may use a ditch trencher and bury #6 copper wire at least 24 inches deep. The copper wire should be placed in an "X" fashion with a length of at least 25 feet. The lead cable will then be connected to the center point of the "X". 

At this point in time, if you haven't given up and are still determined to build a  ULF-ELF receive station, I have good news. The hardest part is over. Just one more step and your antenna system will be finished.  This part of the  construction is not complicated but should be built as instructed.

Obtain a length of  CATV lead in wire such as RG-11 0r RG-59, from your local electronic parts store.  A good source to try is the local Cable TV company. Sometimes they have lengths of scrap lying around their warehouse and will be happy to get rid of it.   Connect the center conductor only, (not the outside shield) to each antenna array.   Take each piece of co-ax to the location of your receiver. Then   install a suitable  connector to the two  ends  These two cables will be the  input leads to the  receiver.

Now lets take a look at the next construction phrase which will be the actual building of the circuits for the receiver.   ©1998

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