DL4YHF's Homebrew Homepage
The Software Archive

last updated: October 31, 2001.

Main Site: www.qsl.net/dl4yhf
Mirror: members.aol.com/dl4yhf

This page was intended to share some self-written ham radio & "utility" software. When using this software, the entire risk is with you (as usual :-)....
The software has been checked to be virus-free, but no windoze-based software in the world will ever be 100 percent bug-free. Some programs do not run properly under Windows XP, it looks as if my compiler is the reason, but I will never switch to Win XP for several reasons.
Just try the software ! If the software works on your PC (and with your installation of windows), be happy; if it does not, don't worry... maybe there will be a future release with some bugs fixed.
Before you install any software, take a short look at the documentation if it is provided in the software archive.

  • PIC Keyer software (with sources)
  • PIC Programmer for Windows 95

    For C-programmers only:
    Most of the PC programs that you find here are written in C++ Builder V4.0 . Sorry, I will not waste my time playing around with MS C or other "visual" stuff.
    The C++Builder uses a big runtime-library called "VCL40.BLP" which is used by almost every application compiled with C++Builder V4.0. Because this 1.88MB-monster would blow up the archives too much, I threw it out of the archives. Whereever VCL40 is required, you can download it as a separate file (links to the VCL40 are on the various download sites).


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