1a. Removing hum from recordings (post processing)

Here is a technique I am using to remove hum from recordings with Cool Edit 96.  The result makes for awful listening, but does enhance the desired signal in the spectrograms. Here is the process and the settings I have been using.

You may need to adjust the amplitude to get a good trace from GRAM.


* Note that these values may need to be changed if the playback speed varies from the record speed on the tape deck.


Here is a signal through GRAM before this processing,

and after the two steps of delay processing,

and finally after noise reduction. The enhancement in S/N ratio is apparent. The last hop is barely visible in the first spectrogram, but fairly clear in the final.

A hardware humblanker is under development. The device should be usable in real time. The approach is somewhat different than the delay technique shown here. More to come...

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