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Remotely Controller Tuner

Variometer Remote Control Unit

The circuit shown above was devised to provide a method of fine-tuning the experimental vertical antenna.  This remotely-controlled tuner has enabled me to change frequency much more quickly than previously, when I only had the larger variometer with which to make such adjustments. (Not easy with an upstairs shack; and the loading coil/variometer positioned in the garden!)

The potentiometer (having a 1/4 inch spindle) is mounted at one end of the axle and acts as both an end-bearing, and a detector of variometer position.  The driven end of the axle passes through the former of the outer inductor and is glued to a large pulley wheel.  Short pieces of cord are tied to the pulley wheel to limit the rotation of the spindle to +/- 90 degrees, thereby protecting the slider of the potentiometer from damage.

The pulley wheel (actually, it is a plastic wheel from a discarded push-chair) is belt driven by a 'Lego' motor and reduction drive built by my son, Trevor.


Variometer and remote control Built into a plastic storage box measuring 435 x 445 x 210 mm, the unit includes a wideband matching transformer having a 50 ohm primary winding and secondary taps at 50; 75; 100; 130; and 160 ohms. 

The variometer provides an inductance swing of 135 - 300 uH.
The inner coil (94 mm diameter) has two windings of 16 turns, each having a winding length of 32 mm.  The two windings are spaced 16 mm (to allow space for the axle). 
The outer coil (165 mm diameter) has two windings of 10 turns, each having a winding length of 18 mm.  The two windings are spaced 30 mm to allow space for the axle and potentiometer.

At 136 kHz, with a 12 m antenna, a tuning range of about +/- 500 Hz was achieved when it was positioned alongside my old Mark I loading coil - more than enough to cope with short-term variation in antenna resonance.  When used underneath my new Mark II loading coil, I now obtain a tuning range of +/- 1000 Hz.

Click on the thumbnails below for a more detailed look at the construction.


The belt-driven variometer

Close-up of the variometer

The Lego drive unit

Close-up of the Lego drive unit