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RJELOOP1 * Transceiving, single-turn, loop aerials of various regular shapes.
RJELOOP2 * Transceiving, single-turn, loop aerials of rectangular shape.
RJELOOP3 * Receiving, multi-turn, square, loop aerials, ELF to HF.
DIPOLE1 * Centre-fed dipole analysis. Vary freq and feedler length for optimum match.
HELICAL3 * Helically-wound antenna performance, top-C loaded with rod or wire.
TOROID * Ferrite & iron-dust cored, toroidal coils. Size, Mu, Turns, uH, pF, Freq.
VERTLOAD * Base-fed vertical antenna performance, coil-loaded at any height.
RADIOETH * DC & RF characteristics of a shallow-buried radial earth wire.
EARTHRES * Earth Electrodes and Measurement of Soil Resistance.
TANT136 * Performance on Long Waves of T Antennas above ground radials system.
ENDFEED * Performance of Inverted-L Antennas above system of ground radials.
LINEAR1 * Models Class-AB, Push-pull, Bipolar Linear RF amplifiers up to 30 MHz.
BALUN4 * Models HF transmission line transformers, impedance step-up ratio 4-to-1.
RJELINE1 * Analysis of openwire lines, 50Hz-1GHz, for any complex termination.
RJELINE2 * Full analysis of balanced lines, 20Hz-1GHz, for any complex termination.
COAXPAIR * Full analysis of coaxial lines, 50Hz-1GHz, for any complex termination.
RJELINE3 * Full analysis of balanced lines with facilities for line xfmr design.
TRAPDIP * Design of 2-band trapped dipole antennas including trap details.
PHASENET * Design of T & Pi phase-shifting networks for use with antenna arrays.
TPINET * Design of T & Pi impedance-matching and phase-shifting networks.
SWR-FREQ * Simple & folded dipoles. Input Z. Feedline VSWR versus freq. Bandwidth.
SOILSKIN * Enter soil characteristics. Display a table of skin depth vs frequency.
COAXRATE * Find safe input power for given cable dimensions and SWR. 0.3-3000 MHz.
ZL_ZIN * Compute load impedance from measured line input impedance, Zo & length.
SOLNOID2 * Design of cylindrical, single-layer, air-core coils of all proportions.
MAGLOOP4 * Performance of regular-shaped magloops versus height and type of ground.
MATCHPAD * Design of resistive T and Pi matching-pads and attenuators.
MIDLOAD * Design and performance of short, centre loaded dipoles above a lossy ground.
LCR * Wideband behaviour of damped, LCR parallel-tuned circuits.
SWRMETER * Modelling, design, calibration & operation of HF SWR meters, reflectometers.
VARNEY * Performance of Tuner+Coax+Balun+TwinLine+Dipole, including G5RV.
LOADCOIL * Design short vertical antenna and loading coil. Slide coil up/down for max efficiency.
PI_TANK * Design Pi-match output cct for RF power amp. Effncy, harmonic supprn, phase shift.
ZOC_ZSC * Compute trans line primary and secondary constants from Zoc and Zsc measurements.
Pi_L_Net * Design Pi and Pi-L output networks for RF PA's. Effncy, harmonics, phase delay.
TETRODE1 * Design of Class A, AB1, AB2 and C RF Power Amplifiers, beam tetrodes or pentodes.
TOPHAT1 * Top-capacitance-loaded, short, vertical antennas, including vehicle mounted.
RJELINE4 * Full analysis of balanced pair transmission lines. Line xfmrs with complex teminations.
T_TUNER * Design & power performance of T-match networks for transmitting antennas.
GRNDWAV3 * Groundwave propagation vs pathlength, type of terrain and frequency.
DIFFRAC1 * Radio propagation by diffraction over a single obstruction. Tx to Rx.
DIFFRAC2 * Radio propagation by diffraction over two successive obstructions. Tx to Rx.
LINOSITE * Line-of-sight radio links up 500,000 kM and 90 GHz. Aperture, beamwidths, etc.
STUBTUNE * Stub transmission line impedance matching transformer design. Includes line loss
MATCHSEC * A Z-match by inserting in antenna feedline a short section of different Zo.
BOTLOAD * Calculate value and design the bottom-loading coil for any vertical antenna.

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