Hear, but no seeing

Carpet Loop II
An inexpensive, easily built, high performance antenna that can
work in almost all apartments. (By David Moisan, N1KGH)

indoor antennas for everybody
Indoor antennas that can be built by anyone: foil antennas, discones,
wire beams, attics and tape antennas. (Edited by Wayne M. Sarosi
and Hermod Pedersen)

feeder as shortwave antenna
A hidden antenna must be just that: hidden. So don't install an
antenna, but something else. Lika a bird feeder. Don't forget
the seeds before starting listening... (Written by Wayne M.
Sarosi, edited by Hermod Pedersen)

Wooden fence antenna
You have a fence, add a tuner, some wire and a ground rod -- and
you have a fine, hidden antenna. (John Matz)

simple active antenna

active antennas aren't perfect