
All files are now self-unpacking exe:s... Zip-files seems to be banned on this server :o(
Sizes may vary slightly because of the conversion to exe-files..

This first part is the old Visual Basic 3 version. Works on Win 3.1, Win95, Win98, NT4 and Win2000.

GCMWIN23.exe 734K Complete program with all data files. (vbrun300.dll not included) Version 2.3 Updated with the new country.pnt by Norbert Schall!
GCMWIN.exe 25K Executable only. Version 2.3
MAPPER.exe 38K Map data. Database with few points, but ok if you plot the whole world.
READMES.exe 22K Readme- and help- files.
VBRUN300.exe 230K System file. Check if you already got it in your windows or windows\system directory.
CMDIALOG.exe 10K Same as above.
COAST.exe 262K Coastlines. This file and the files below are part of the same set. Please read the readme and help file for information. These files are more detailed than the mapper database.
COUNTRY.exe 86K Country borders Updated with most new countries. Thanks to "Norbert Schall" <> who did all the work!
ISLAND.exe 134K Islands.
LAKE.exe 39K Major lakes.
RIVER.exe 105K Major rivers.
STATE.exe 9K States in the USA.
PREFIX.exe 10K A new and updated PREFIX.DAT. Thanks to Yann/F1NGP.
PFX4PRN.exe 4K Reduced PREFIX.DAT so that it prints more nicely. Thanks to TK5NN, Patrick.
GcmHlpP.exe 301K Helpfile in Portugese! Very good looking. Thanks to Fernando Barros Lopes - PY7AW

This next part is the experimental versions. See the C++ page for information. You also have to download mapper.exe above.

GcmBuilder.exe 315K Borland C++Builder version
GcmBorland.exe 215K Borland C++ version

This are other programs of interest.

Yagcm.exe 477K VE5UF made this program. Can make a great circle map on several papers.


You need winzip or pkunzip to unpack all the above files !