Additional information on this subject and related topics can be found in back issues of QST and the following:
The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs
W1FB's QRP Notebook
QRP Power
Low Power Communication
The ARRL has an extensive catalog of books and materials related to Amateur Radio.
Note: Some of the following articles are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. To view and print these files, you'll need a copy of Adobe's Acrobat Reader program. (Version 3.0 or later required). More information here.
The HW-8
Putting the Boots to Your HW-8 QRP Transceiver (1,159,355 bytes, PDF file)
QST April 1979, pp. 18-21
A signal increase of 9 dB for your QRP rig can turn marginal QSOs into solid ones! This amplifier provides 80- through 15-meter signal increase with only 1 watt of drive. Add these "boots" to your HW-8 and improve your QRP DX score.
30-Meter Conversion For The HW-8 (188,418 bytes, PDF file)
QST May 1984, p. 44
The HW-9
Improving the HW-9 Transceiver (2,161,943 bytes, PDF file)
QST April 1988, pp. 26-29
If you own an HW-9 or other QRP transceiver, you'll find these ideas will add to your operating enjoyment. So, heat up that soldering iron!
HW-9 Tips (165,227 bytes, PDF file)
QST October 1988, p. 43-44
Feedback -- QST December 1988, p. 32.
In the October 1988 QST Technical Correspondence item, "HW-9 Tips," pp. 42-43, U1 was not identified. U1 is a 4011 CMOS NAND gate (Radio Shack 276-2411). You can use an LM78L05 or LM430-5 for U2. Be sure that the shield of the cable (RG-174 is suitable) connecting the marker output to pin 1 of the second mixer is grounded on both the oscillator and the TR boards. (Tnx Larry East, W1HUE)
Contact information for suppliers mentioned in the above articles should first be confirmed using TIS Address Database Search.
"Heath HW-7 CW QRP Transceiver" (Recent Equipment), QST, January 1973, pp. 48-50
"Heath HW-7 Preselector Modification" (Hints and Kinks), QST, May 1973, p. 42
"Receiver Offset Tuning for the HW-7" (Hints and Kinks), QST, June 1973, pp. 48-49
"New Front End for Heath HW-7," QST, December 1973, pp. 23-25
"HW-7 QRP Transceiver Modifications," QST, January 1974, pp. 35-39
"HW-7 QRP Transceiver Modifications" (Feedback), QST, March 1974, p. 83
"RIT for the HW-7," QST, July 1975, pp. 38-39
"Slippers for the HW-7 Transceiver," QST, December 1975, pp. 45-47
"Hum Reduction in the HW-7" (Hints and Kinks), QST, July 1976, p. 42
"Heath HW-7 Sidetone Level Control" (Hints and Kinks), QST, November 1976, p. 41
"Hints (HW-7/HW-8 interference)" (Hints and Kinks), QST, December 1978, p. 40
"Heath HW-8 QRP Transceiver" (Product Review), QST, April 1976, p. 31
"Full Break-in and RIT for the HW-8 QRP Transceiver," QST, July 1977, pp. 22-26
"Full Break-in and RIT for the HW-8 QRP Transceiver" (Feedback), QST, November 1977, p. 20
"About RIT for the HW-8" (Hints and Kinks), QST, January 1978, p. 40
"Full Break-In and RIT for the HW-8 QRP Transceiver" (Feedback), QST, February 1978, p. 27
"HW-8 Items" (Technical Correspondence), QST, March 1978, p. 36
"25-kHz Calibrator for the HW-8, A," QST, October 1978, pp. 20-21
"Onward with RIT for the HW-8" (Hints and Kinks), QST, December 1978, p. 38
"Hints (HW-7/HW-8 interference)" (Hints and Kinks), QST, December 1978, p. 40
"Putting the Boots to Your HW-8 QRP Transceiver," QST, April 1979, pp. 18-21
"Boots for the HW-8--Etching Pattern" (Hints and Kinks), QST, April 1979, p. 47
"Boots for the HW-8" (Feedback), QST, June 1979, p. 18
"An S Meter for the Heath HW-8" (Hints and Kinks), QST, November 1979, p. 57
"HW-8 Ideas" (Hints and Kinks), QST, January 1981, p. 45
"HW-8 And The Accu-Keyer--A Good CW Team, The" (Hints and Kinks), QST, May 1981, p. 46
"Variable-Bandwidth Control For The HW-8" (Hints and Kinks), QST, April 1982, p. 53
"30-Meter Conversion For The HW-8" (Hints and Kinks), QST, May 1984, p. 44
"Low HW-8 Power Output" (Hints and Kinks), QST, April 1993, p. 72
"Heath HW-9 Deluxe QRP CW Transceiver" (Product Review), QST, July 1985, pp. 37-39
"Improving the HW-9 Transceiver," QST, April 1988, pp. 26-29
"HW-9 Tips" (Technical Correspondence), October 1988, p. 43
"HW-9 Tips" (Feedback), QST, December 1988, p. 32
"AGC-Threshold Control for the Heath HW-9 Transceiver, An" (Hints and Kinks), QST, March 1990, p. 43
"Narrow IF Filter for the Heath HW-9 Transceiver, A" (Hints and Kinks), QST, June 1990, pp. 40-41
"Modifications and Improvements to the HW-9," QEX, October 1990, pp. 3-9
"HW-9 Modifications Update" (Correspondence) QEX, May 1991, pp. 16-17
The Heathkit Virtual Museum
The Heathkit Virtual Museum is a tribute to the Heathkit tradition.
Heathkit Ham Radio Pages of KB9JJA
Note: Reprints are available from the Technical Department Secretary, ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111. Article copies must be prepaid $3 for ARRL Members, $5 for non-members. You may order by telephone (860-594-0200) and pay by credit card. Reprints can only be sent by mail and cannot be sent by or attached to e-mail.
This information was prepared as a membership service by the American Radio Relay League, Inc., Technical Information Service, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 (860) 594-0214. Email: tis@arrl.org (Internet). ARRL HQ is glad to provide this information on the Web free of charge as a service to League members and affiliated clubs.
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