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ARRL Products:


Disappearing Act -- Part of the Amateur Radio adventure series by popular author Cynthia Wall, KA7ITT.

A Spark to the Past -- Part of the Amateur Radio adventure series by popular author Cynthia Wall, KA7ITT.

N0AX’s Radio Puzzler -- A fun collection of challenging logic problems, puzzles, quizzes, humorous articles, and more!

200 Meters & Down -- The Story of Amateur Radio

Hostage in the Woods -- Part of the Amateur Radio adventure series by popular author Cynthia Wall, KA7ITT.

Commercial QRP Kits

ARRL Technical Information Service page · TIS Menu page

Additional information on this subject and related topics can be found in back issues of QST and the following:

The ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs
W1FB's QRP Notebook
QRP Power
Low Power Communication

The ARRL has an extensive catalog of books and materials related to Amateur Radio.


Note: Some of the following articles are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. To view and print these files, you'll need a copy of Adobe's Acrobat Reader program. (Version 3.0 or later required). More information here.


Contact information for suppliers mentioned in the above articles should first be confirmed using TIS Address Database Search.

Bibliography (Members Only)

ARRL Periodicals Index Search - This database contains the QST index from 1915 to the present and the QEX index from 1981 to the present. By entering keywords (ANTENNA) or combinations of keywords (CONSTRUCTION ANTENNA VERTICAL HF) into the Title words: field, you may create dynamic bibliographies.
Technical article KEYWORD list.

Suggested keywords for more articles like the ones on this page are: QRP KIT

Web Links:

Kanga Products
Oak Hills Research Kits
Red Hot Radio
S & S Engineering
Small Wonder Labs
Modifications to Small Wonder Labs
3 Modifications to the PSK-20 Small Wonder Labs PSK-31 QRP Transceiver
Wilderness Radio
What Kit to Build
Doug Hendricks posted a series of articles to QRP-L on his view about kit building.

Article Reprints:

Note: Reprints are available from the Technical Department Secretary, ARRL, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111. Article copies must be prepaid $3 for ARRL Members, $5 for non-members. You may order by telephone (860-594-0200) and pay by credit card. Reprints can only be sent by mail and cannot be sent by or attached to e-mail.

This information was prepared as a membership service by the American Radio Relay League, Inc., Technical Information Service, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 (860) 594-0214. Email: (Internet). ARRL HQ is glad to provide this information on the Web free of charge as a service to League members and affiliated clubs.

If you have any questions concerning the reproduction or distribution of this material, please contact:

Page last modified: 09:22 AM, 05 Feb 2002 ET
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Copyright © 2002, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved.