Club Detail Record: Tulsa Repeater Organization

ARRL Affiliated Clubs · Club Search

       Master ID: 0004001141
   Annual report: 2001-09-27
       Club Name: Tulsa Repeater Organization
       Call Sign: WA5LVT
    ARRL Section: Oklahoma
Affiliation Date: 1972-05-06
  SSC Start Date: 2000-09-29   SSC End Date: 2002-09-29
   _ General Interest           _ Contest         _ VHF/UHF
   X Public Service/Emergency   _ Digital Modes   _ DX
   _ School or Youth Group      _ Repeaters

                      Total number of club members: 160
                          Number of voting members: 154
Number of voting members who are licensed amateurs: 154
     Number of voting members who are ARRL members: 145

Club/Council Address
Contact Person

        Name: Griffin Merlin E
   Call Sign: WB5OSM
Club Address

     Address: P.O. Box1422
        City: Tulsa   State: OK
    ZIP Code: 74101

 Phone (Day): (918)520-7668   (Eve): (918)520-7668

Club/Council President

        Name: Griffin Merlin E
   Call Sign: WB5OSM
     Address: 11671 E 80th St N, Apt BB
        City: Owasso   State: OK
    ZIP Code: 74055-3369

 Phone (Day): (918)520-7668   (Eve): (918)520-7668

Club/Council Newsletter Editor

        Name: Conklin Mark D
   Call Sign: N7XYO
     Address: Spotted Dog Ranch
              15152 Boren Road
        City: Mounds   State: OK
    ZIP Code: 74047

 Phone (Day): (918)622-6262 EXT 25   (Eve): (918)366-2007

Club Information

   Meeting location: Ryan's Family Steak House, 74th & Memorial, Tulsa OK
 Meeting day & time: 4th Tues. monthly  @ 1930hrs. Check 146.880+ 88.8pl for info.

Date of officer elections: 2002-02-15

Should prospective amateurs be referred to this club?
  X Yes   _ No

Services offered by the club:
   X Entry-level license classes   X General or higher license classes
   X License test sessions         X TVI/RFI committee
   X Repeater                      X Packet radio BBS
   X Club Newsletter               X On-the-air Bulletins
   X Hamfest

Web page -- URL:

Record last updated: 2001-09-27 by LAM, ARRL Club Branch

An authorized club official may submit updated data for this club record.