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RST range

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The RST range is used to describe the quality of a radio communication with a three digit number (but often only the two first are used). Intelligibility and strength of the signal are described with this method, and in case of Morse code communications (CW) also the quality of the tone is described.

Radio (intelligibility)

R1Not intelligible.
R2Just intelligible: some words only.
R3Bad intelligibility.
R4Good intelligibility.
R5Very good intelligibility.


S10.20 uV-48 dBExtremely low signals.
S20.39 uV-42 dBVery low signals.
S30.78 uV-36 dBLow signals.
S41.6 uV-30 dBPoor signals.
S53.1 uV-24 dBMedium signals.
S66.3 uV-18 dBGood signals.
S713 uV-12 dBVery good signals.
S825 uV-6 dBStrong signals.
S950 uV0 dBVery strong signals.
S9+100.16 mV+10 dBExtremely strong signals.
S9+200.50 mV+20 dBExtremely strong signals.
S9+301.6 mV+30 dBExtremely strong signals.
S9+405.0 mV+40 dBExtremely strong signals.

Tone (CW)

T1Only noise.
T2Very noisy AC tone.
T3Low AC tone.
T4AC tone.
T5Modulated tone, whistle in the background.
T6Modulated tone, some noise.
T7DC tone, little noise.
T8Good DC tone, very little noise.
T9Pure DC tone.

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