AA | All After ... | |
AB | All Before ... | |
ADR | ADdRess | |
ADS | ADdresS | |
ANT | ANTenna | |
AR | * | end of transmission |
AS | * | please wait |
BK | BreaK | |
BN | all BetweeN ... and ... | |
BQ | reply to RQ | |
BUG | semiautomatic key | |
CFM | ConFirM | |
CL | CLose (my station) | |
CP | general call at two or more specified stations | |
CQ | general call at all stations | |
CS | Call ID | |
CW | Continuous Waves | |
DDD | identifies a rescue message to/from a station in Danger | |
DE | from | |
DF | your bearing at ... was ... degrees (with an error of ...) | |
DO | DOubt bearing: repeat it later | |
DX | international connection | |
E | East | |
ER | here ... | |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | |
FM | Frequency Modulation | |
GND | GrouND | |
IRP | punctuation is significant | |
K | please transmit | |
KMH | KiloMeters per Hour (1 kmh = 0.6214 kmh) | |
KTS | Knots (nautical miles per hour, 1 kts = 1.852 kmh) | |
LSB | Lower Side Band | |
MIN | MINutes | |
MPH | Miles Per Hour (1 mph = 1.6093 kmh) | |
MSG | MeSsaGe | |
N | North | |
NIL | nothing to send | |
NR | NumbeR | |
NW | NoW | |
OB | young friend | |
OK | OK | |
OL | Overseas Letter | |
OM | radio amateur (Old Man) | |
OP | OPerator | |
OPR | OPeratoR | |
P | Private | |
PBL | PREamble | |
PSE | PleaSE | |
PWR | PoWeR | |
R | Received | |
RCVR | ReCeiVeR | |
REF | REFerence | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference | |
RPT | RePeaT | |
RQ | ReQuest | |
RTTY | Radio TeleTYpe | |
RTX | rice-transmitter | |
RX | receiver | |
S | South | |
SIG | SIGnature | |
SLT | Sea LeTter | |
SOS | * | Save Our Souls |
SS | Sea Station | |
SSB | Single Side Band | |
SSTV | Slow Signal TeleVision | |
SVC | SerViCe communication | |
SWR | Standing Waves Ratio | |
SYS | refer to the service message | |
TFC | TraFfiC | |
TR | What is your position and your next call? | |
TTT | Security signal if transmitted three times | |
TU | Thank yoU | |
TXT | TeXT | |
TX | transmitter | |
TVI | TeleVision Interference | |
USB | Upper Side Band | |
VA | * | end of work |
VFO | Variable Frequency Oscillator | |
W | West | |
WA | Word After ... | |
WB | Word Before ... | |
WD | WorD (or group of words) | |
WX | weather | |
WFAX | Weather FAX | |
XQ | Communication of a fixed service | |
XTAL | crystal (quartz) | |
XXX | priority if transmitted three times | |
YF | wife | |
YL | Young Lady | |
73 | best regards | |
88 | with love |
* AR, AS, SOS and VA must be transmitted without pauses.
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