This is a list of all of the parts the author used
while constructing the SPIRIT EVM. The EMF detector and the 5x7 red dot displays can be ordered from Electronics
Goldmine. The remainder of the parts can be purchased at Radio Shack, or at any electronics supply house. The most
expensive part is the EMF detector, which is $8.95. The whole project can be completed for less than $40.
- (1) G8317 EMF detector
- (2) 4017 decade counter/divider
integrated circuits
- (1) 555 oscillator/timer,
integrated circuit
- (6) G7705 5x7 red dot displays
- (1) 1k resistor
- (1) 1meg panel mount potentiometer
- (1) SP3T panel mount rotary
- (1) DPDT mini-toggle switch
- (1) 0.01 uF mylar capacitor
- (1) 0.1 uF mylar capacitor
- (1) 1uF 35WVDC electrolytic
- (2) 14 pin IC sockets
- (1) 8 pin IC socket
- (1) 9-volt battery snap
- (1) 8 AA battery holder
- (1) several foot length
25 conductor ribbon cable
- (2) fair-sized perfboards
- (2) knobs
- (1) project box
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