VK3MZ Eighty Metre Sniffer Kit
Mark Diggins, VK3JMD, reports:
The VK3MZ 80m ARDF receiver kit is now available. This is the same kit
that won first place in the homebrew competition at the Mt. Gambier convention
this year. Features of the receiver include 3 pole Xtal filter, Whoopee
mode and speaker or headphone use.
Here is the Full Description
The kit will come in different forms
Shortform Kit - This will include a PCB and the specialised (hard to get)
Full Rxcr Kit - This will have everything you need to get the receiver
working on the bench plus the specified box to put it in.
Antenna Kit - This will include all the parts required to make the directional
antenna mentioned in the article. Each kit will be also have a copy of
the necessary documentation.
Mark reports that only 8 full kits (with antenna) remain. They are available
through Mark Diggins, VK3JMD.
134 Howard Rd, Dingley Village, Victoria, 3172, Australia.
Phone (AH) +61 3 9558 2959.
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