Figure 1
The turnover point (negative peak) of a quartz crystal is a function of the type of cut. An oven-controlled crystal oscillator uses a crystal with a high turnover temperature, because the first derivative of frequency with temperature is zero at that point.
Figure 2
A complicated, multiresistor/multithermistor network compensates for the nonlinear frequency drift of a quartz crystal. The interactive adjustment requires a computer to solve simultaneous equations.
Figure 3
The phase noise in an oscillator consists of flicker noise (a), 1/f noise (b), and the broadband noise floor (c).
Figure 4
As in a TCXO, a varactor diode pulls the crystal's frequency in a VCXO (a). A practical pulling range is approximately ±200 ppm (b). Figure 3
Figure 5
Heterodyning two oscillator signals allows you to obtain a wider tuning range than that available from one oscillator.
Figure 6
The all-pervasive µC finds use in oscillators, too. Here, the µC and an EE-PROM look-up table compensate for temperature drift to yield perform-ance almost equal to that of an OCXO.
Figure A
A SAW delay line is the heart of a series of wide-range VCOs from Andersen Laboratories.

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