noize100.htm :

Explanation and "know how" of noize of actual radio amateur

In these days, I begin to operate on 3.5MHz. But I feel this band is very noisy. It is far more noisy than 50MHz. Therefore I must consider about noise in these days. So here I will talk about noise, what I have experienced. On this home page the noise is defined as "the sound heard by radio listener, and the same time, the sound another than the voice spoken by the radio transmitting operator. " Yes this definition is wider than the definition on the textbook. But, this definition is convenient for me to explain the actual problem of amateur radio operation.

When we operate the amateur radio, many types of noise disturb our activities. These noises are shown on the figure below.

This clock sounds as click, click, click. This noise is inserted on the microphone parallel as the voice of the operator. My friendly OM uses the fan cooler even on the winter tome. It sounds like the fan of the Collins linear. Theoretically this fan disturbs the operator*s voice, and reduces S/N ratio of the listener. But actually this fan noise makes the image of linear and the listener assume as he must uses the Collins linear. Therefore the actual S/N ratio becomes better. I calls this is the "Fan effect".
Some operator radiates this signal from his living room. Yes you know. Japanese lives on the smaller house than the another western countries. They are called as rabbit*s houses. Therefore many sounds are heard from my head phone, for example the TV sound and crying of baby. Especially the operator who uses the microphone suppresser radiates such sounds.
Also the operator living on the Tokyo radiates noisy signals. They includes the sound of advertisement car of a PACHINKO PARLOR or advertisement car of an election. Therefore shut the window !
But most important thing is to speak clearly and loudly. You will feels that the news announcer of TV speaks too loudly, I also. But it is good manner of transmitting operator. We the amateur also must educate ourselves as a good announcer. I train to speak the last letter of my suffix "L" with the same sound level as the middle letter of my suffix "Z". But now I can speak "Lima" with 6dB lower level of "Zansibal". HIHI

N2: N2 is noise of inner of the transmitting instrument. In these days this noise do not becomes trouble. But in old days, the ham of transmitter was heard. The home brewer*s signal includes the saturation noise in sometimes. Anyway use the wide dynamic range of parts and circuits!

N3: N3 indicates the noise on the operation room of the transmitter. In this figure it is drown as the clock noise. The clock is mechanical clock and put on the desk of operator. N3: N3 indicates the noise of air. You can see the cloud on the sky. It is made of ice or water. And they have electron. When they crashes each other, they generate the electric noise. It is the reason of the air noise. When the lightning happens, not P-47, my father got the soot of P-47 on WW2 in Tokyo city of his 15 years old, when the lightning happens, we can hear the bigger air noise. We cannot escape from such noises. Therefore we must send that "CUAGN ON BETTER CONDIX 73". The lower the operating frequency , the bigger these types of noises. Therefore 3.5MHz band has bigger noise than 50MHz.

N4: N4 indicates the noise of man-made. I live in a middle size city, Tsuchiura city. 120 thousands of people live in this city. When I operated with my transceiver on Tokyo , I felt like my rig was broken. That made a very big noise. And also when I operated on the Tsukuba mountain , I felt like my rig was broken. That made no noise until I turned the tuning dial. An-made noises are the noise made by a motor. Especially the brush of DC small motor radiates very big noise. If you rotate a motor shaver besides the radio, you can hear this type of noise. That is man-made noise. Some type of old automatic gas heater make also big noise because the ignition actives all the working time. Anyway many types of electric instrument radiates noises. The best way to avoid this noise is to live in suburb. I think the upper floor of high building is good for Dxing from this point of view. Each room is separated by the concrete and iron wall from each other. And the wall avoid the man-made noise.

N5: N5 means the noise from another radio station. This is not defined as the noise on textbook. It is defined as QRM. But jamming is an action of transmitting noise. The jamming is made by radio amateur and also by the national transmitter of some countries. We have no way to avoid it.

N6: N6 means the noise made on inner of the receiver. The noise heard while you do not connect any antenna is this type of noise. This noise sounds like "Saaaaaaaa"on these days. When we made the radio by some tubes about 30 years ago, we could hear the ham noise ,like "Buuuun". That was also this type of noise. We remember that the ham was original noise of tube receiver. But I learned that is wrong understanding. In these days I made tube radio with 350 micro farad capacitor on it*s power supply. This radio occurs no ham. The ham was the noise made by poor capacitor. It was not made by tube.

N7: N7 is the room noise on the listening room. The speaker exchanges the electric signal to the sound. And it is heard by the listener. But on this timing the mechanical sound made by the clock on the wall also injected on the ear of the listener. To avoid this type of noise, you must keep the quiet room. Use the double glass window on your shack. Using head phone is better than speaker. The head phone must be the type to cover all your ear. Cup bowl type head phone is better than walk man type. With this head phone, I can avoid the sound noise of bike, when I make a expedition on the local hill.

I am happy if all upper explanation helps you to make your radio activity.




N1:相手の声がマイクに入り、これが電気信号になります。この時、マイクには、他の音も入ってしまいます。これが、絵のN1です。ここでは机の上に置いてある置き時計でイメージしました。実際の交信では、リニアアンプのファンのブーンという音が聞こえて来る場合が多いです。この冷却ファンの音は厳密にはS/Nを悪化させるので了解度は落ちるはずなのですが、実際には、聞いている方にとって、「送信側はリニアを入れているのだから、強い信号であり、聞き取りやすいはずだ。」という心理的効果が発生するために、かえって了解度は向上します。これを「ファン効果」と呼びます。これを利用して真冬でも、マイクの側で扇風機をまわしてファン音を入れて了解度を向上させて運用されているOMがいます。また、居間で交信をされている方の信号のなかには、赤ん坊の泣き声や、娘さんの見ているテレビの音なんかが入って来る場合も多いです。マイクコンプレッサーの増幅度を上げすぎると、この周囲騒音をやたらに拾う結果となります。程々にしましょう。都会では、選挙演説やパチンコ屋さんの宣伝カーなんかも走っていますから、必ず窓を締めて運用してください。何よりもは っきりと大きな声でしゃべる事が一番重要です。我々アマチュア無線家も、プロのアナウンサーの様に「あえいうえおあう、かけきくけこかこ」と発音練習をして、自分のいいたい事をいつでもはっきりと相手に伝えようという努力を忘れてはいけません。私のコールサインのなかでは、OZLの”L”という音が発音しにくく、オッシロスコープでモニターしていても、どうしゃべっても”リマー”の音は”ズエブラー”の音よりも、6dB程度低い音声レベルしか確保できていません。そのためどうしても、私のコールの中では、”L”のラストレターが取り難い場合が多いようです。日々、練習しています。”リッマー””リッマー””リッマー”


N3 : さて、アンテナから電波になって信号がお空を飛んでいると、多くの敵がやってきます。お空には雲があって、あれは、水や氷の粒が空を漂ってあるいはゆっくりと落ちている物です。その粒粒(つぶつぶ)は帯電していて、互いにこすれたりするとバチバチと放電して電波をでします。これが空電雑音です。このノイズは、雨雲が出ている時に多くなります。雷が耳に聞こえる時などは、はっきりと聞こえます。中波ラジオなんかを聞いていても、雷の音は入るでしょう。これは、この種類の雑音の極端に強い場合です。この種類の雑音は、周波数が低い程強い性質があります。それで、ローバンドの3.5MHzでは50MHz等よりずっとこれが感じられる訳です。これは、もういたしかた無い雑音でどうにも避けようがありません。お手上げです。ただ、天気によりますので、「HEREVYQRN//CUAGNBETTERCONDIX」(今こちらでは大変、空電雑音が多いので、もっとコンディションの良い時に又お会いしましょう。)という事になるわけです。

N4: 私は茨城県の土浦市という人口12万人の中都市(田舎?)に住んでいます。そこで普段使っているHF用受信機を、実家の西荻窪に持っていって聞いてみると、まるで機械が壊れてしまったのかと思うほどに、スピーカーからは、いつものボリュームの位置でもってガーガー雑音ばかりが聞こえてきます。逆に、その受信機を、筑波山に持っていってきいてみると、これもまた壊れてしまったのかと思うばかりに、電源をいれた瞬間は、何もノイズが聞こえてきません。でも、バリコンをまわすとちゃんと無線局が聞こえてきます。よかった!これらは、都市雑音の違いによる物です。都市雑音とは、モーターや蛍光燈等の家電製品が発する電気雑音の事で、人工の密集して、多くの人が周りに住んでいる地域ほど多いのです。とくに、直流モーターはブラシで電気を切り替えている為に、ブラシに所で火花が飛んで、多くの雑音をだします。電池式ひげそり、あれがひどい。ビュイーンなんて音がラジオから聞こえてきたらこの手の雑音です。また、我が家の御となりさんの、湯沸かし器はなぜか給湯中は、ずっとぱちぱちいっていて、まあ点火ノイズでしょうが、となりが車で返ってきて10分ぐ らいして御風呂にはいるとぱちぱちいっています。まあいいんです。OK。とにかく、これの対策は田舎に住む事です。DXやるなら田舎です。但し、案外アパマンハムは有利です。隣とは、かなりシールドのいい鉄筋コンクリートで仕切られていますし、そのたの民家は、何十メートルもしたの方に、しかも駐車場のむこうに離れて住んでいるので、案外都市雑音の点では高層アパマンハムは有利です。これは私の社宅住まいをしての経験です。





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