Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 08:44:04 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

Subject: Wideband mod for the Yaesu FT-7400
By Jay Urish KB5VPS

This is the mod for a Yaesu FT-7400H UHF rig. I personnaly developed
this mod myself so use it at your own risk!!!

You will need a fine tip soldering iron for this job. You will also
need a phillips screwdriver.

1)remove the small top lid--It is held on by 5 screws.
2)remove the ground lead to the faceplate on the front left of the rig.
3)remove the 2 allen head screws from the front faceplate andlay it on its face.
4)locate the row of solder pads by the CPU/battery.
5)The pads are numbered 1 - 6 from left to right.
6)In order to open the tx/rx to 418-470 you need to jump pads 1,2,4,6
7)You shouldn't have to reset the rig. Mine came up imediately.

Notice!!!! The VCO won't lock below 425Mhz--If it does the audio will
have a high pitched whine to it. The top end seems to be about 468
before the VCO starts to have a problem.

Another thing I found out-- Jumper #4 is what tells the cpu ir the rig
is a 2400 or a 7400.

Sensitivity does not seem to be affected..




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