Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 08:36:32 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

This MOD is for the NEW Yeasu FT-2800 Hi-Power 2-Meter Mobile and it is easy!
(see photo) by:

Start by disconnecting power and microphone.

1.  Remove all screws on bottom of radio and remove bottom cover.
    Be careful, the speakers rubber seal my stick to the cover, so take your
    time and note that the speakers wires are soldered to radio (no connector).

2.  To make this simple, position the radio with the front facing away
    from you (bottom up). In the top left corner you will see a set of three
    solder pads located on the back side of the circuit board for the front
    display/ controls.

3.  There is only one solder pad in place from factory (far left, see photo).
    REMOVE this solder pad!

4.  Bridge the middle solder pad, leave the others un-soldered.

5.  Reset radio by pressing ALL four white panel buttons while turning power on.
    button labels  --->  [MHz]   [Rev]   [LOW]   [D/MR]       

   Then press the [D/MR] button. The radio will power cycle.


NEW TX and RX RANGE is  137.000MHz  to  174.000MHz



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