Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 09:19:46 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

For the use exclusive use of files only.
License to no other BBS or .com service is given or implied.

Here's the mod for the Yaesu VX-7R... from the files of  KB7ISR
(For experimental purposes only.  That's what an amatuer license 
is for... HUH.)

1.  Remove the battery, in the battery well on the radio is a small 
black plastic cover.

2.  Remove this "option cover" and take out the barometric pressure 
unit.  (If installed.)

3.  You will find solder jumpers at the bottom of the option window.  
(Little 'balls' of solder.)

4.  Heat your FINE tipped soldering iron and get a piece of solderwick 
ready.     (Do NOT use a gun... I know of a young man that did this 
and regretted it.)

5.  Remove all jumpers.  (This is for all versions.)  Solderwick the 
balls.  (Jumper # 5 is the CAP mod.  Leave # 4 in place if the unit
is to be used for MARS/CAP only.)  

BEYOND MARS ... #  5 places in operation the Marine channels in the 
SPECIAL memory bank of the unit.  Removing ALL the jumpers opens the
transmitter from a very low 40.000 mHz through 579.995.  
(Tested... FM only.)

6.  Reinstall the option unit (If installed.)

7.  Replace the plastic cover.  (Murphy's Law applies... this cover 
is quite sticky.)

8.  Put the battery back on the unit.

9.  Hold  the B (MON F)  C (HM/RV) D (%) ........ hit the power button.
(NOTE if you relese the button too soon you will see a PlayBoy bunny,
a screenote appears with her to hit the F button.)

That's all there is to it.  If you pollute the memory and it looses 
expanded ability, just do it again...

You can always reinstall the jumpers in the # 4 and # 5 position for 
Factory performance.

de kb7isr

For the use of files only.
License to no other BBS or .com service is given or implied.


A number of VX-7R's are known to produce very, very low audio. Here is
the fix to bring the TX audio to proper levels:

1. With the radio in VFO mode, turn it off.

2. Now this is a little tricky but with 3 fingers it can be done. Press
the "MON F", "Wires" key (the one at the far corner of the key pad) and
the "0" key.

3. While continuing to hold down the 3 buttons, power up the radio.
Hold them down until the radio has displayed the greeting screen and
gone through a series of beeps and tones.

4. Once that is done, release and use the dial knob to scroll thru the
"hidden menu" section of the radio until you come to "MAX DEV".

5. At the MAX DEV section, simply press down the "V/M" button and turn
the dial again to crank up the audio.

6. Once somewhere in the area of at least 200, press the "HM/RV" button
to set and exit.

7. Power down and your ready to go!

I found that the 220 setting is more than enough audio. the max
setting, 250, is too hot. There you have it. A simple mod, and you
don't have to even plug in your soldering iron!

Andy Smith, KK7AC


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