Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 09:06:08 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

		  The modifications of SommerKamp TS-275 DX

   You can modify the frequency ranges for your TS-275DX 2m handy
   by pressing "Function" and a number when switching on the radio:

   F + 0 : 144-146 MHz
   F + 1 : 130-175 MHz excluding 144-148 MHz
   F + 2 : 130-175 MHz but Tx only 144-148 MHz
   F + 3 : 130-175 MHz
   F + 4 : 100-175 MHz
   F + 5 : 138-175 MHz
   F + 6 : 145-175 MHz
   F + 7 : 140-160 MHz

Anyway these are valable only for the digital part of the RIG. You cannot
descend below 132 MHz to transmit.

							    73 de YO3GGH !


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