Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 07:34:57 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

Subject: Icom IC-Delta1A Mod 

Remove diode D14
Replace diode D13 with MA132HK
Replace diode D15 with a MA132WK

IC-Delta1A Logic Unit:

|         \___________________________
|                           D D D D D | <-Matrix D14 D13 D15 Q21 Q22
|                             D D D R |              D11 D12 D10 R78 R79 
|                                     |
|                                     |
|                                     |
  Replacement of D13 -   =|  |       MA132HK
                          | /|=k
  Replacement of D15 -    ____       MA132WK
                        a=|\ |
                          | >|=k

  1N916 or 1N914 can be used too.
  Reset The Radio When Finished     

 Tidhar Teucher - 4Z5CA


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