Main Index 1 Mar 2004 @ 07:31:36 UTC Not logged in.  Log In  

Subject: ICOM IC-701 extended freq. mod.
From: Carl Hodder 

Below are several mods for the Icom IC-701 Transceiver. Please post
them on your mod site.

Thanks, Carl.


Subject: Extended frequency converage on the ICOM IC-701 HF 
Grounding pin 14 on the rear panel accessory connector will extend
the frequency ranges to:
Band    - Extended coverage - Factory coverage
160m    -   1.0 -  3.0 MHz  -   1.8  -  2.0 MHz
 80m    -   3.0 -  5.0 MHz  -   3.5  -  4.0 MHz
 40m    -   7.0 -  9.0 MHz  -   7.0  -  7.5 MHz 
			        7.3  -  7.5 MHz Receive Only
 20m    -  14.0 - 16.0 MHz  -  14.0  - 15.2 MHz 
                               14.35 - 15.2 MHz Receive Only
 15m    -  21.0 - 22.0 MHz  -  21.0  - 21.5 MHz
 10m    -  28.0 - 30.0 MHz  -  28.0  - 30.0 MHz 
                               29.7  - 30.0 MHz Receive Only
> Subject: Computer control of ICOM 701 via accessory connecter.
The August 1984 issue of QST (page 19) has an article on computer
controlling the ICOM IC-701 HF transceiver by it's rear panel 
accessory connector. Although the article describes controlling
the radio by a dedicated Three-Chip Microcomputer which can be 
built for $20 (the cost of the three chips) if you already have 
some common parts. This project can easily be adapted to control 
the radio by an IBM PC. Please refer to the QST article for more 
information. The same interface and control commands also work 
for the IC-211 and IC-245 transceivers.


I also heard of a mod using pin #11 (transverter) but can't recall
the details. If you know of any other mods for this radio please
email me at

All mods are at your own risk, so please be careful.

Hope that helps, Carl (VO1XY).



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