
:database:electronics:High Voltage:

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Article Reference: D483D3294C8C6614

about surge supressors

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 19:47:57 -0800

Original Subject: Re: Evaluate MOV's

Harvey White wrote:
> claude@bauv.unibw-muenchen.de (Claude Frantz) wrote:
> >jlundgre@delta1.deltanet.com (John Lundgren) writes:
> >>IMHO, the only place for MOVs is in the trash can.  The only place to do
> >>surge protection is where there is a good ground.  And this is at the
> >>breaker panel, not at the outlet strip.

> The best surge protection is at the breaker panel to the house.  No
> questions there.  However, there are other places where MOVs can help.
> John is absolutely right, there is very little that can help against a
> direct strike, and a tiny little MOV will certainly not do it.  The
> only thing that might help in that case is to put enough impedance in
> the line that the lightning just wants to go somewhere else.
> However, on those near misses and things, You will get some high
> voltage spikes on the line.  The MOVs are meant to clamp these, and
> the gas tube surge supressors are meant to help as well.  These spikes
> are the ones that can damage most solid state equipment by punching
> through the BE and BC layers of transistors, and anything else,
> either.
> Harvey

Here's a couple of factoids to add to the above:
1. Most lightning strikes occur at some distance from your equipment.  
2. These are fast rise-time impulses, so inductance in power lines can 
have a considerable effect on the amplitude and duration as seen at a 
3. Most wiring devices used in homes and offices have a limiting 
dielectric strength of about 6KV.  This means that there are effectively 
a number of 'spark gaps' in most feeder systems.  This, too, affects the 
amplitude seen by equipment.
4. Power lines also have resistance. Home wiring tends to have more than 
commercial wiring.  This limits the current.
5. Feeders from service entrances connect radially to the breaker panel. 
 These feeders each get a share of the power from transient surges.  
This limits the power seen by any particular piece of equipt.
6. Surges can have differential and common mode components.  Surge 
suppression connected to earth ground typically only helps with common 
mode.  Differential mode suppressors need not be grounded.
7. Dielectrically isolated components, provided that they have 
sufficient dielectric strength, will probably be undamaged by common 
mode transients.
8. MOVs are inexpensive and effective for transients up to a certain 
magnitude, but they suffer from gradual degradation.  They are easiest 
to apply in differential mode.
9. Tranzorbs, which are groupings of high-powered avalanche breakdown 
diodes, are more rugged than MOVs.  They can be effectively applied in 
either differential or common mode, or both.  Best layout, as claimed 
above, is to have a massive tranzorb at the service entrance, set up in 
both modes, with a good ground.
10. Anything is better than nothing.  There are lots of small transients 
that can damage equipt. if not suppressed.

Paul Mathews, consulting engineer
AEngineering Co.
non-contact sensing and optoelectronics specialists

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Article Reference: E54975EC6CB3BAA2

Addresses:Glassman High Voltage

Phone Numbers:Glassman High Voltage

Date: 17 May 1996 16:24:04 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Need power supply - DC 150KV

In article <4nhp2n$p8f@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com>, mlerman@ix.netcom.co 
>In <Jfreitag-1605961306090001@techservp2.gso.uri.edu>
>Jfreitag@gsosun1.gso.uri.edu (John Freitag) writes: 
>>In article <4ne5tv$kj8@usenetp1.news.prodigy.com>, PBWD58A@prodigy.com
>>(Ruth Rosenberg) wrote:
>>> I need the above power supply. Must be variable, DC, min. 150KV,
>>> level unimpotant.
Try someone who does high voltage for a living, Glassman High Voltage.
Route 22, Salem Industrial Park, PO Box 551, Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889. 
Their phone is (908) 534-9007.  E-mail:GlassmanUS@aol.com.

Good luck.
Bob Crable
Research Instruments
Electronics Shop
The Pennsylvania State University

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Article Reference: 36EA9397FA65926B

Authors:Horn, D.

Reference Texts:Electronics Projects for A New Age

Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 15:10:56 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Kirlian Photography

There is a book by Delton Horn called Electronics Projects for A New 
Age, which describes Kirlian photography quite well, and includes a 
schematic and detailed instructions.

The basic idea is to create a high frequency, high voltage pulse, using a 
coil from an automobile ignition as your HV transformer.

The HV is connected to a copper clad board, which should be at least 
as big as your subject.  The board is placed inside a plastic bag for 
insulation.  On top of it, you place your sheet of film, then a thin 
sheet of plastic, then your subject (which must be grounded to the 
circuit ground), and then a thin sheet of plastic on top of that.

Keep in mind that the exact frequency of the pulses will affect the size 
of the auras, so you will have to play around a little until you get a 
good picture.

Email me if you want me to scan the schematic and send it to you.

Andrew Syred (andrew@micropix.demon.co.uk) wrote:
: I'm after a circuit drawing to construct a Kirlian 'Photography' gadget.
: My attempts to build one so far have not been too good.  Can anyone
: offer any help or point me in the right direction?

: Cheers,

: Andrew

: On-line Microscopy for Amateurs, Professionals and Big Kids alike
:         ***** Visit "http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk" *****

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Article Reference: CCF0D9DCCB6298A3

breakdown voltage vs air pressure

Date: 11 Feb 1996 23:24:40 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Need PCB Design Rules for Avionics

Alan Hilton (hiltona@tiw.com) wrote:
: Actually the breakdown voltage of air would become greater as it thins. Isn't a vacuum a better 
: insulator than normal atmosphere?

  No, low pressure air ionizes more easily.  I eventually found a 1984 spec
MIL-STD-275E in our local university engineering library.  It gives
tables for conductor spacing both below 10000 feet and above.  For example
for voltages up to 100 volts, a spacing of .060" is required above 10000
feet, while only .025" is required below 10000 feet.
 -Bob Scott

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Article Reference: CCCA178269F29DED

Circuits:generate HV with TV flyback

Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 16:43:29 GMT

Original Subject: Re: TV Flyback QUESTION

In article <DKwstC.90z@animal.inescn.pt> jml@bee.inescn.pt (Justino M. R. Lourenco) writes:

>   Hello !

>	   I would like to know if i can connect directly the primary of a TV  
>   Flyback Transformer to 110 V a.c. to get H.V.

>	   The primary of the TV flyback has several primary Windings , how  
>   to deal with that when connecting to 110 V A.C.

No.  It requires a high frequency waveform to provide any substantial
output.  Furthermore, it WILL melt down if you try 110 VAC 60 Hz without
current limiting.  None of the windings are suitable.

If you want to play around with a flyback to generate high voltage, try
the following or email me for a dual 555 based HV generator.  Both use
low voltage DC for the primary drive power.  This is safer for you
and will be less costly in the long run as you blow up fewer expensive
parts trying to get it to work!

--- sam

Simple High Voltage Generator - 12 V in, 12,000 V out inverter.

   *VCC     Q1   +-----------------C ||
     o           |                 C ||
     |       B |/ C                C ||
     |  +------|    2N3055         C ||
     |  |      |\ E            5T  C || C-------|>|----------o  +HV
     |  |        |                 C || C     HV Diode, usually
     |  |       -_-                C || C        built in
     |  |                          C || C
     +--|--------------------------C || C
     |  |   Q2  _-_                C || C
     |  |        |                 C || C Secondary (HV) winding,
     |  |    B |/ E            5T  C || C intact.
     |  |  ----|    2N3055         C || C
     |  |  |   |\ C                C || C
     |  |  |     |                 C || C
     |  |  |     +-----------------C || C
     |  |  |                         || C
     |  |  ------------------------C || C-------------------o  -HV
     |  |                      2T  C ||
     |  |               +----------C ||
     |  |               |      2T  C || T1 - Flyback transformer from BW
     |  +--------------------------C ||      or color TV or computer monitor.
     |                  |
     |            R1    |    R2
                  110        27    _|_
                  2W         5W     -

Read in Entirety!

1. Obtain flyback transformer with known good HV secondary winding. primary
   may be left intact if it is known to be in good condition - non shorted.
   A flyback removed due to failure may be used if it was the primary that
   failed and the primary turns can be removed without damaging the HV
   secondary or losing the secondary return connection!  Flybacks fail
   in both ways (primary and secondary).

2. Wind 10 turn center tapped drive winding and 4 turn centertapped feedback
   winding using  #16-20 guage insulated wire.  Make sure both halves of
   each coil are wound in same direction.

3. VCC should typically be in the range 12-24 volts at a couple of amps.
   Circuit should start oscillating at around 5 volts VCC or so.  If you do not
   get any HV out, interchange the connections to the transistor bases.  Heat
   sinks are advised for the transistors.  Be aware of the capability of
   your flyback (BW monitors up to 15KV, color up to 30 KV).  You risk
   destroying the secondary windings and/or HV rectifier if you get carried
   away.  Running this on 24 volts will probably cause an internal arc-over
   in a small flyback, at which point you start over with more caution
   and a new flyback.

4. Actual output will depend on turns ratio of the flyback you have.
   For typical monochrome computer monitors or video display terminals,
   you should be able to get around 12,000 volts with 12 volts input.
   I made one from a dead MacPlus flyback from which I removed the (dead)
   primary windings.

5. Frequency of operation will be in the KHz to 10s of KHz range depending
   on VCC, load, and specific flyback characteristics.

6. You can experiment with # turns, resistor values, etc. to optimize
   operation and power output for you needs.

7. CAUTION: contact with output will be painful, though probably not
   particularly dangerous due to low (a few mA) current availability.
   HOWEVER, if you add a high voltage capacitor to store the charge,
   don't even think about going near the HV!

Parts list:

Q1, Q2 - 2N3055 or similar NPN power transistors (reverse polarity of
         VCC if using PNP transistors.)  Maximum stress on transistors
         are about 2-3 times VCC.  Heat sinks will be needed for continuous

R1     - 110 ohms, 2W resistor.   This provides base current to get circuit

R2     - 27 ohms, 5W resistor.  This provides return path for base feedback
         during operation.

T1     - Flyback transformer from/for BW TV, color TV, or computer monitor
         modified according to text above.  Most modern flybacks include
         built-in HV rectifier diode(s) so output without additional components
         will be high voltage positive pulses.  Note: this kind of flyback
         transformer drives the CRT directly and uses its glass envelope
         as the high voltage filter capacitor.  (A foot square piece of
         1/8" Plexiglas with Aluminum foil plates makes an adequate
         filter capacitor.)

Wire   - a couple of feet of #16-#20 hookup wire, magnet wire, or any other
         insulated wire for home made primaries.  Use electrical tape to
         fix windings to core.  Wind feedback winding on top of drive winding.

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Article Reference: 2D46DA676BD96422

Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier

negative ion generator

Date: 23 Jul 1996 12:42:35 GMT

Original Subject: Negative Ion Generator: should my homebrew one hiss and glow in the dark?


If you know anything about this topic, or the design of electron gun
accelerator electrodes, please repond. After four posting in the
electronics newsgroups only three kind souls replied. This is why I'm
cross-posting. Someone out there must know something - or are you all
busy selling negative ion generators? :-)

I've managed to build myself a negative ion generator and am currently
evaluating it to see whether it really does help to lift my gloom at
being in an office that's effectively underground - No sunlight, no
visible sky :-(

Don't bother sending lots of flak about this - even if it doesn't
work, assuming I don't produce lots of ozone, it won't do any harm! 

I'm using the usual Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier giving (I
think) about -3.5KV and feeding this into an array of needles.

I discovered along the way NOT to build the voltage multiplier on
phenolic PC board. The voltage output was way down - fibreglass board
is better. I guess at the voltage levels involved, what is normally
considered an insulator may not be! 

The generator has a chain of 15 multiplier stages (230Vac in) using
1N4007 diodes and 0.01uF 1KV ceramic capacitors feeding into four 
needles via a 4.7M resistor.

When I get within about 4 - 5cm of the needles it starts to hiss -
faintly but audibly, and at night I can see tiny pin-pricks of blue
light. They're so faint that it's impossible to focus on them!

  - Is the hissing normal? 
  - How can I tell if I'm producing any significant amounts of ozone? 

Is a voltage on the end of the chain of 15 multiplier stages (230Vac
in) likely to generate ozone? or is it not just the voltage but also
the sharpness of the point?  I'm using sewing needles sold as "sharps"
but I've no idea of their end diameter (although they are sharp :-). 

I really would appreciate some direction - the physics texts in a
university library are not very helpful when you need practical


PS: If you have a few minutes, could you skim the following detailed
description and let me know your thoughts? 

*************** More detailed description of generator **************** 
                   and accelerator electrodes follows   

To detect any ion output I'm using the usual neon and capacitor detector:
  %%%%%%%%%  .015uF  %%%%%%%%%%  <--- Square of PC board about 1" x 1" 
  %%%%%%%%%----||----%%%%%%%%%%                               2.5cm sq 
  %%%%%%%%%          %%%%%%%%%%
  %%%%%%%%%---neon---%%%%%%%%%%  <- hold or Ground this end
  %%%%%%%%%          %%%%%%%%%%
   Pad A              Pad B 
  place near

I can't measure the voltage on the needles as the output impedance is
so high, a 100Mohm Fluke 40KV probe loads it but the neon detector 
works ...

  No accelerator   - at 15mm away - once every ten seconds
                                    No Hissing at any distance

  With accelerator - at 15mm      - once every 3.5 seconds.
                        35mm      - once every 10 seconds

The accelerator is a small block of aluminium with conical holes and
has about -1500V on it - it's connected 10 diodes down from the high
voltage end. 

The accelerator was made by drilling conical holes with a lathe
centering bit about 1/4" (7mm) in diameter so that the side view is:

  accellerator ->   |____/            
  needle -------> ----------   

The bottom is the same shape (eg 45 degree cone) but I can't draw it
using ascii graphics. The 4 needles are spaced about 20mm apart (0.8")
and protrude about 4mm (1/6") past the end of the 1/4" cone. 

With the accelerator in place, it will start hissing at me if I get
within about 5cm of the needles - before I put it in its box. Boxing
it seems to dampen things down a bit. The black plastic box has holes
drilled in it as an approximate continuation of the flare of the
conical shape of the aluminium accelerator block which is screwed to
the back of the front panel. 

It's definitely got some ion wind but how much?  How I can measure the
output (ions/cc) or alternatively (and much cheaper) what's the blink 
rate from a commercial unit of known output with the type of neon 
detector described above? 

You can probably calculate the ion output (at least within an order of
magnitude) by assuming that "if so much current is going in and
nothing's getting hot" then that current - "in ION form" - is coming
out the other end, but I've not looked at my physics texts for years
as you can probably guess by that handwaving logic! 

The shape of the accelerator is also a bit of a mystery. The 4mm that
the needles now protrude is simply what "looked" reasonable. The conical 
shape is simply because I had the lathe centering bits. 
What's the desirable shape? - probably exponential :-(

Obviously they'll be a relationship between the flare angle, how far
the needles poke out beyond the end of the accelerator, the voltage on
the accelerator and that on the needles ... 
Any info or readable references?  (eg those without triple integrals :-)

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated ...


Massey University                   Ph +64-6-3504184  Fax +64-6-3502259
Palmerston North, NEW ZEALAND     G.Moretti@massey.ac.nz            ZL2BOI

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Article Reference: 9C7F9BFA89893C35

electrostatic powder coating

Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 16:09:23 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Powder Coating Gun (High Voltage Ionizing)

In article <548kcv$rob@niflheim.rutgers.edu> Phillip Debrito (debrito@niflheim.rutgers.edu) wrote:

: I'm looking to build my own powder coating gun.  For those not familiar 
: with electrostatic powder coating, let me provide some basic info...
: So, do I create a series of metal loops in the gun with the (+) 
: lead and the pass the powder through these loops or what? How does it 
: work in those little air Ionizer/Purifiers?

Hi Phil!  I don't have direct experience with these, but I know some
electrostatics.  You want to generate a small area of plasma so that air
passing through it becomes charged.  The charged air molecules then attach
themselves to the powder particles, charging them.

The classic way to generate charged air is to place a sharp metal needle
very close to a metal plate, then connect high voltage between the two
parts and blow air between them.  The voltage should be less than that
needed to cause sparks.  Which polarity of air comes out?  If the negative
supply lead goes to the needle, then the device will generate negative
charged air.

Another way to do the same is to suspend a very thin wire fairly close to
a metal plate.  (Copiers use tungsten wire, which isn't corroded as much
by oxygen in the plasma.)  A plasma forms around the wire, and the air
passing through it will become charged.

The charger assembly in your gun might take the form of a grid of needles
near the inside surface of a metal plate, or maybe it's a sharp-edged
cylinder held within a larger cylinder so that the sharp edge is close to
the flat inner surface of the bigger one.  Air blown through the slot
between them will become charged.

The key is to put a pointy (or sharp-edged) object near a flat object, so
"st. elmo's fire"  forms on the pointy object only.  Two pointy objects
give equal and opposite charge output, which is overall neutral.  Two flat
objects do the same, but only at much higher voltage. 

Hey, if you get it working, let me know how it turned out.

Check out my electrostatics page at:

....................uuuu / oo \ uuuu........,.............................
William Beaty  voice:206-781-3320   bbs:206-789-0775    cserv:71241,3623
EE/Programmer/Science exhibit designer        "http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/"
Seattle, WA 98117  billb@eskimo.com           SCIENCE HOBBYIST web page

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Article Reference: E5775414C81EFD44

electrostatic voltage generation

Date: Mon, 17 Jun 1996 01:32:50 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Van De graff Generator?

bwilson@newshost (Bob Wilson) wrote:

>HRD6959619 (hrd6959619@aol.com) wrote:
>: What is this and what does it do. HOw many volts are produced and
>: could it make cool looking lightning shots. Any info would be
>: greatly appreciated. 

>It generates very high voltages of static electricity. What does it
>really do? Makes your hair stand on end when you touch it! :) Voltage
>produced? Usually in the range of 500,000 to 1,000,000 Volts as I recall
>my high school days, when we made one for a science project.

Electrostatic means for producing very high DC voltages are still used
in a few applications.  The company I work for makes electrostatic
particle accelerators that operate in the range of 1MV to 25 MV.
(That's M for Mega.)  

While the company that Robert Van de Graff founded has not made
particle accelerators for many years, National Electrostatics Corp
continues to dominate the field above about 4MV.  In the realm below 3
MV there is actually quite a bit of competition.  Most of these
accelerators are sold for physics research, but, especially lately,
more and more are going into various materials analysis applications.
I am currently working on a few that we have in the field that are to
be used for carbon dating.  Running carbon atoms through an
accelerator with a 5MV terminal will allow us to produce a 25 MeV
carbon ion beam.  (carbon with a charge of -1 in, carbon with a charge
of +4 out)

We spend a great deal of effort trying to avoid those "cool sparks."


       Melissa Kepner                                    Jim Adney
       mgkepner@facstaff.wisc.edu                jradney@mpcug.com
                             Laura Kepner-Adney
                             Madison, Wisconsin

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Article Reference: 5181771F210201A1


Date: Thu, 07 Nov 1996 14:26:41 -0500


Jhon wrote:
> I would like to know if there is anybody has had any experience in
> designing ESD/EMI compliant hardware/software, and whether you would be
> willing to share some of your experiences with meeting the
> 801-2 requirements for electromagnetic compatibility
> Thanks in advaced

The first rule is to ground everything that is a metal surface 
accessible to the ESD gun solidly to chassis ground (metal to metal).  
Masking may be necessary for painted covers.  In some instances 
you may need to use toothed star washers. 

Second is to ground cables and shields to cables at the point 
of entry to your product.  In other words, as soon as you can. 

You may experience two phenomena (little understood) that mean 
two entirely different things: 

  1. Your product fails at a minimum level, say 4KV and 
     continues to fail at any higher value.  This is 
     USUALLY a grounding issue. 

  2. Your product fails within a band of voltage, say 
     4KV to 6KV, but operates below AND above these limits. 
     This is a more complicated reaction of your system 
     to the different spectral content of of the pulse 
     within the band 4KV-6KV then outside it.  
     This is usually a system frequency response issue 
     that can be very difficult to pinpoint and usually 
     results in alot of grounding effort that proves 
     useless.  For instance, there could be a slot 
     antenna formed between the cover and the case 
     that 'activates' in the KV range as a tremendous 
     transmitter when current circulates around it 
     on its way to ground.  

Anyway, keep a close eye on the results of where the spark 
is being applied to the product and system ground.  The current 
will circulate through your product to that ground point 
and unfortunately through anything in between if there isn't 
a good ground. 

Doug McKean
The comments and opinions stated herein are mine alone,
and do not reflect those of my employer.

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Article Reference: 41C0D1B0533D9680

high voltage capacitors

Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 18:36:10 +0200

Original Subject: Re: 25uF 4Kv ?

They produce C like that. I ordered one with 47uF and 4.5 KV and one
with  150uF and 2.5KV both same size.(2.77x5.75x1.91)

omega schrieb:
> Does it exist without connecting many, many
> small capacitors across together ?

Holger Cecchin


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Article Reference: A6D6E9503DDB67AE

high voltage divider

Date: 25 Oct 1996 12:40:38 GMT

Original Subject: Re: How to measure a pulse?

brian whatcott,  <inet@intellisys.net> said...
>almar@tsc1.cps.unizar.es says...
>> The problem range is 12000V and only some mA. The source is a
>> piezoelectric material. I'd like to be able to see the exact form of
>> the pulse in an oscilloscope. 
> Place a 100 Mohm and a 100 Kohm in series as a potential divider to
> ground.

The 100M-ohm would have to be a say 15kV version (i.e. Victoreen glass 
resistor a few inches long, etc.).  And it'll be absolutely necessary to 
parallel the 1000:1 resistive divider with a capacitive divider.  Say 5pF 
from the pizeo and 5000pF to gnd.  The 5pF must be good for 15kV - coaxial 
cylinders with air dielectric.  Also a shield or other element will have 
to be arranged to insure that only the charge through the 5PF reaches the 
divider output. 

Not everyone has a 15kV resistor sitting in their parts bins!  No problem! 
Since the time constant of 5pF and 100M-ohms is 0.5ms, which is no doubt 
longer than a pressure-induced piezo spike, just skip the 15kV resistor 

OK, how about 1M-ohm and 5000pF for the bottom end of the attenuator?  Now 
the high-pass time-constant is 5ms - better yet!  E.g. 1M-ohm scope input, 
6 feet of coax, additional 4700pF to gnd.  Connect this to a homemade 5pF 
with appropriate shielding.

Oops - destroy the scope input in case the homemade cap breaks down!

OK, how about 10x scope probe (includes 9M-ohms to protect the scope 
inputs)?  Now the bottom of the attenuator consists of the scope probe and 
470pF cap to gnd.  Connect this to our home-made 4.7pF cap.  Time constant 
still 5ms.  Scope probe sees 120V, scope input 12V 1000:1 overall.  
Calibration?  A 10V 10kHz sig gen yields about 10mv - just measure this 
and determine the actual scale-factor of your instant HV probe!

After calibration, change to 4700pF for 50ms time constant (10,000:1 attn, 
1.2V scope signal) if better pulse shape range is desired.

Winfield Hill    hill@rowland.org        _/_/_/            _/_/_/_/  
The Rowland Institute for Science      _/    _/   _/_/    _/  
Cambridge, MA USA 02142-1297          _/_/_/_/  _/   _/  _/_/_/
                                     _/    _/  _/   _/  _/
"http://www.artofelectronics.com/"    _/    _/    _/_/   _/_/_/_/

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Article Reference: CE38B22FFFBD7B94

high voltage FETs

Date: Wed, 21 Aug 1996 06:34:51 GMT

Original Subject: Re: How to switch 900VDC cost effectively?

nemax@getnet.com (Doug Skabelund) wrote:

>I have an upcoming project which will require me to switch 900VDC on
>and off to six different channels.  The current is about 40mA on each
>channel.   The 900VDC is full-wave rectified and  does not necessarily
>need to be capacitor  filtered.

APT (Advanced Power Technologies   Bend, OR)  make a line of available
1000V Power FETs...  
I'm using their  1000V FETs in a 3KHz circuit with peak current around
15A during the sub-microsecond transition time...

jim    jimk@aoainc.com

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Article Reference: 1F147631D050E473

high voltage probe discussion

Date: 2 Oct 1996 10:33:37 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Can I build a HV probe?

John Anderson,  <megavolt@io.com> said...
>Everyone keeps mentioning frequency.  When you say at "high frequencies"
>the probe will not be accurate, do you mean hz, khz, or mhz range?

You can calculate this for yourself.  The parasitic lead-to-lead 
capacitance of a typical small resistor is 0.05 to 0.2pF.  The 
capacitance from the _middle_ of the resistor and from any connection 
node between series resistors, to ground, may range from 1pF to 5pF or 
more depending upon your choice of a sheilding scheme.  Longer glass 
resistors intended for high voltages have lower lead-to-lead capacitance, 
but higher distributed parallel capacitance.

As a worst case, imagine a 1000M-ohm probe made with a 2-inch long 
resistor.  To start, place the capacitance to ground from the midpoint.  
If you assume 5pF of parallel capacitance, you'll see you're in trouble 
even at 60Hz!

HV probes with usable high frequency response may have cleverly arranged 
sheilds which can be connected to ground, the attenuated signal output, 
and the input.  Some shields may overlap and may be adjustable, to 
provide an adjustable capacitive divider that can swamp the remaining 
effects of the resistor's capacitance.

These probes can be very accurate at DC and high frequencies, but the 
skill of the designer is tested in the transition between resistive and 
capacitive divider action.

Poorly designed probes can suffer from mid- or high-frequency errors and 
from severe pickup sensitivity to nearby rapidly-changing voltages.  
For example, I've seen probes that provide an output even when the 
measuring tip is grounded!

Winfield Hill        hill@rowland.org
The Rowland Institute for Science
100 Edwin Land Blvd.
Cambridge, MA USA 02142-1297

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Article Reference: E0B35885A28B1949

high voltage scope probe

Date: Mon, 07 Oct 96 17:16:57 EST

Original Subject: Re: Can I build a HV probe?

Helmut Wabnig at wabi@mail.carinthia.co.at says...
>> I was thinking of taking a glass tube, and stacking lots of
>> glass-body resistors in series to drop the voltage down to
>> a managable level.  Would this work?  ...
> That is exactly right. You have the correct plan already.
> Go, make it.
> The scope input has a certain resistance, eg 10 Megohms.
> Parallel is a capacitance, several picos.
> Must be taken into the calculations, the capacitance
> will considerably reduce bandwith.
> Scope probe schematic:
>                       !------------------<scope input       
>                       !
>                       !
> <-------------RES1-----------RES2---------!!ground
>           !        !     !        !
>           !--CAP1--!     !--CAP2--!
> tau1=R1*C1 must be equal to tau2=R2*C2,
> then the frequency response is correct and you
> don't waste bandwith.
> where R2 and C2 are the added values of the 
> scope input and the probe.

This is classic low-voltage probe architecture and it doesn't 
work for HV scope probes, unless 1) you're willing to have an 
overly high capacitive loading, or 2) you don't care about 
mid-frequency or pulse-shape response accuracy.  This is 
because the RES1 value will be very high, 100M or more likely 
1000M ohms, and physically long and large.  So the real 
circuit is like:

          ________ CAP1 __________
         |                        |
  <------- R -*- E -*- S -*- 1 ------ etc
              |     |     |
              Cs    Cs    Cs
              |     |     |
             gnd   gnd   gnd

Because the RES1 is so high, the probe becomes a good antenna, 
and a shield is mandantory.  Therefore the Cs "stray" 
capacitance is higher than you might think.  

I think you see the problem.  

One solution is to make C1 very large, but it's just a matter 
of specs - if you want 1% performance over the whole range, C1 
is a severe load.  There is a good overall solution, which I 
think is fairly clever (after thinking of it, I discovered the 
experts had beat me to it!); see my earlier posting in this 

Winfield Hill      hill@rowland.org
Rowland Institute for Science
Cambridge, MA 02142

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Article Reference: B95FC74205DABE66

high voltage switching

Date: Sun, 27 Oct 96 21:09:26 PDT

Original Subject: Re: flashtube driver needed!!!!

In article <54oqcf$ltr@ns1-1.CC.Lehigh.EDU>, <c002@Lehigh.EDU> writes:
> I need to drive a powerfull flashtube.  I have neither a tube or driver btw
> (ie: if you have, i'll buy! )
> This will be exciting a Ruby rod, so its not a little camera flash i need! 

We excited a Neodymium rod using two linear flash tubes and a HV power supply.
The supply was a 2000 volt transformer with an array of high-voltage 
capacitors and high-voltage diodes.

We stacked up five 450 volt capacitors on either leg of the supply, with 10Meg 
resistors across each capacitor to even out the voltage loading.  We also put 
10Meg resistors across each 1KV diode to protect it.

<bad ASCII art attempt:>

115V     2000V
----3 || E--->|-->|-->|-->|------\       [trigger circuit]
    3 || E                        \      /
    3 || E    ||--||--||--||--||-------O  O---------------\
    3 || E---<                                            |
    3 || E    ||--||--||--||--||------------[==========]--/
    3 || E                        /          Flash Tube
----3 || E---|<--|<--|<--|<------/

MAKE SURE THE CAPACITOR POLARITY IS CORRECT, or you will get big explosions of 
toxic oil.

We fired this sucker by an air-gap switch.  Basically you set the tube up with 
two metal spheres in the circuit, seperated by about 1/4 inch.  Then you use a 
photo-flash trigger coil connected to a wire probe between the spheres to 
ionize the air.  BAM!

Warning:  we blew chunks of metal out of a lead block with this device.  Be 
VERY careful when you set it up!

1.  Capacitors can maintain a fatal charge for a long time after the power is 
removed.  We shorted 'em out with a copper rod on the end of a Lucite handle 
before touching anything.

2.  Air-gap switches can fire spontaneously.  Never energize the device until 
everything else is ready to go!  We eventually went to an oil-quenched knife 
switch for more control.

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Article Reference: 0331D5DCD530A214

HV supply

Date: 18 Jun 1996 19:49:58 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Building a Mains Transformer - HELP - 117VAC to 10,000VAC @ 400 MA

Steve Roberts <osteven@en.com> wrote:
> You might try a catalog for neon sign supplies, they use large tranformers to cook the tube during 
>processing, but the cost is going to set you back say 850 dollars for a rebuilt one
>plus the choke needed to regulate current in the primary is going to cost another 200 or so.

A friend of mine who does this uses a pole pig and a substation transformer (both
power company surplus) hooked up backwards to give him 200kV at a few amps.  He
demonstrated it once for me -- drew a 3-4 foot arc with a wire hooked to the end of
a 4-foot long glass rod.  It was most impressive. ;-)

>4. disturb the space time continum

No, you need a flux capacitor and a Mr.Fusion to do that ...

<BGB>   "http://ccwf.cc.utexas.edu/~lihan/"  mailto:lihan@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu

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Article Reference: DF2C89AD81C19F85

HV supply description for HeNe laser

Date: 17 May 1996 21:11:32 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Need He-Ne laser pwr supply ideas

: Hello,
:   I would like to build the above mentioned power supply but am only 
: familiar with linear power supply theory.  Any ideas or schematics would 
: be greatly appreciated.  The DC to DC convertors that used to run these 
: tubes were rated at 1kV @ 3-4ma output but there was no information 
: mentioned on a striking voltage.  I would like to power it with the 110VAC 
: line.

I built a linear supply for a HeNe tube which requires 2400V @6.5mA with
a striking voltage of about 5Kv.  You can bet the stiking voltage for a 1kV
tube is over 2KV easily.   I chose a linear supply to reduce the
noise in the laser light that can be a byproduct of a cheap switch mode
supply - plus this was years ago and switchmode was not as prevalent.

The supply was a neon light transformer feeding a normal bridge 
rectifier with filter caps, followed by a series pass current 
regulator.  It is easy to burn out or greatly reduce the life
of many HeNe tubes by pushing too much current through them - so the 
current limiting aspect of the supply was important.  The striking voltage
was obtained by wiring a very low current voltage tripler around the
main supply.  Some items which made the supply tough to design:

o finding a neon xformer with an output close to 2400V
o finding good quality filter caps which could be stacked to withstand
o finding good quality rectifiers and caps which could withstand the full
  6KV open circuit striking voltage.
o designing a current regulator which would pass precisely 6.5mA
  with low noise, and over a voltage differential of 200-800V (the
  worst case difference between the highest transformer output voltage
  at high line voltage and the lowest HeNe tube operating voltage, and

The supply is heavy, and the parts are hard to obtain.  If I did it over 
now - I'd take the time to design a switch mode supply.

  Jim D.

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Article Reference: A79FD0E0D88CC831

Jacob's Ladder

Date: 31 May 1996 01:58:05 GMT

Original Subject: Re: old-SF-movie device with climbing spark??

Jacob's Ladder (Climbing Arc) Construction:

This is the type of high voltage display seen on many old (and bad) sci-fi
movies.  Jacob.s Ladder come in all shapes, styles, and sizes.  Here is info
on a common type that is easy to construct with readily available parts.

You will need 12K-15K volts AC (50/60) Hz at say 20-30 mA.  A neon sign
(luminous tube) transformer is the usual source though an oil burner ignition
transformer  (e.g., 10 KV at 20 mA) will work in a pinch (some say better and
cheaper) or you could build an inverter type power supply.

Luminous tube transformers can be obtained used from sign shops or demolition
companies.  Oil burner ignition transformers can be pulled from old oil
burners - probably free for the asking at your local HVAC company.

Take a pair of thick wires - the steel wire from old metal coat hangers works
pretty well - straighten them out and mount them with a gap of about 1/4
inch at the bottom and 1-3 inches at the top.  Of course, all on an insulated
non-flammable material!  Connect the high tension output of the transformer
to the two wires and you should be all set.  Some adjustment of the spacing
at the bottom (to get the arc started) and at the top ((to determine when
the arc is extinguished and how fast it rises) may be required (but do so
only with the power off!).  Depending on the voltage and power rating of
your high voltage source, these dimensions may vary considerably.

                       __    1-3"
                        ^  \     /
                2-3 feet    \   /
                or more |    \ /
                        v  --' '--

A Jacob's Ladder works on the principle that the ionized air in the arc
is a lower resistance than the air around it and heated air rises.  The
arc strikes at the point of lowest breakdown voltage - the small gap
at the bottom.  The heated plasma rises and even when it is an inch or
more in width is an easier path for the current to follow.  Eventually,
the gap becomes two wide, the arc extinguishes and is reestablished
at the bottom.  For best results, shield the whole thing from drafts but
don't use anything that can catch fire!


Make sure that no one can come in contact with this - particularly curious
onlookers.  Separating the potential victims from any possible contact
with the high voltage is really the only foolproof way of protecting
against fools or the unaware - and you from a lawsuit.  People not
familiar with high voltage phenomena (or aware only through grade-C
sci-fi movies) can be incredibly naive.

A GFI (ground fault interrupter) is of no use in protecting against HV
contact since the secondary of a neon sign transformer is isolated from the
line but its centertap is usually connected to the case - which should be
grounded.  However, a GFI would be a good idea in any case when you are
working with line connected equipment.

12,000 volts will jump approximately 1/2-3/4 inch in dry air - more under
humid conditions.  Don't forget that 12,000 VAC is approximately 17,000 V
peak.  Neon sign transformers have current limited outputs - 30 mA is
typical - but that is still highly dangerous - lethal under the wrong

You can build a small Jacob's Ladder using a high voltage transformer
of lower capacity or a DC-AC inverter using a TV flyback transformer.
While these would be less dangerous, there is little room for carelessness
when working with any type of high voltage device.  Even if there is no
resistive path, the stray capacitance can permit enough AC current to flow
to give you a painful experience!

* Do not work alone.

* Always keep one hand in your pocket when anywhere around a powered
  line-connected or high voltage system.

* Wear rubber bottom shoes or sneakers.

* Don't wear any jewelry or other articles that could accidentally contact
  circuitry and conduct current.

* Use an isolation transformer if there is any chance of contacting line
  connected circuits.

* Don't make adjustments with power on.

* Finally, never assume anything without checking it out for yourself!
  Don't take shortcuts!

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Article Reference: 12EBB610384AF6A8

Lightning:nature of thunder clap

Date: Sun, 6 Sep 1998 17:39:46 +0100

Original Subject: Re: 3-D sound effect

In article <35f2eea7.45635052@netnews.worldnet.att.net>, James Meyer
<notjimbob@worldnet.att.net> writes
>On Fri, 4 Sep 1998 07:49:50 +0100, John Woodgate
><jmw@jmwa.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>No, becuase even if your hypothesis were true, you have no way of
>>knowing whether the tones started simultaneously or not, so you could
>>not determine the significance of any observed time-delay.
>       But then.... why do you hear a high frequency "crack" before
>you hear the low frequency "rumble" that happens with a lightning
>strike?  If you're not too close, that is.
The 'crack' is the sound arriving directly from the discharge, while the
'rumble' is reverberant sound that has been reflected from clouds and
the ground, which takes time. The spectral content is weighted to low
frequencies because the higher ones are absorbed and diffracted to a
greater extent.
Regards, John Woodgate, Phone +44 (0)1268 747839 Fax +44 (0)1268 777124. 
OOO - Own Opinions Only. You can fool all of the people some of the time, but 
you can't please some of the people any of the time.

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Article Reference: 5DAA8DD306F7EFE5

reference diode in high voltage supply

Date: 17 Sep 1998 04:02:19 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Diode back conduction

>I am planning to build a high voltage power supply for a tube project, and
>I need to create a reference voltage as high as possible
>to compare with an output of ~ 400V.  Zener diodes only seem to go up to
>around 40V, and I was wondering whether it was possible to reverse bias an
>ordinary diode with a breakdown voltage in the vicinity of 400V to create
>a reference voltage.  If I run a (small) constant current backwards
>through the diode (probably in the order of micro amps), will this produce
>a consistent output, and will the diode be able to withstand this
>treatment for long?

It will probably work, but I doubt that the stability of the voltage will
be good enough.  If you need real stability in a power supply I would
suggest a solid state reference diode that is something like 7 V.  This
would be compared to the divided-down output voltage.  The 7 V reference
diodes are very stable with temperature.  This, and a set of stable and
accurate divider resistors, will get you a better overall supply.  the
other thing you can do is bypass the upper divider resistor with a small
capacitor.  This effectively provides a much higher feedback gain for
ac, cutting the ripple down significantly.

-- phil

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Article Reference: 0B4E69A1926EB78A

small capacitors

Date: 28 Sep 1998 04:48:22 GMT

Original Subject: Re: A Question of Capcitance

Ken  <tylereng@pacbell.net> wrote:

>    Yesterday in the components group I saw a request
>for a 0.1 pf capcitor. Now I have been a hobbiest for quite
>some time now but that value seems almost incomprehensible
>to me. I've read many times that lead length alone on capacitors
>can greatly impact the true value of a capacitor used in a circuit.
>Especialy at lower values.
>Now for the questions:
>1.) Is there really a practicle use for a capacitor of that value ?

Yup.  At very high frequencies and/or voltages, such a capacitor would
carry a good deal of current.  

>2.) Would it be possible to make your own by simply providing
>two conductive plates/pins/wires with a little space between them
>and use the air as a dialectric ?

Yes, and this is generally how it's done.  You'll often see a small
capacitor made by simply placing two copper traces on a printed circuit
board close together.  These are sometimes adjusted by scraping away some
of the copper trace.  

>3.) Does the dialectric value of air change with enviromental variations ?

Not very much.  Air is pretty close to vacuum as far as dielectric
constant goes.  Note that in the printed-circuit-board capacitor, the
dielectric isn't air, but both air and plastic, or whatever it is that the
circuit board is made out of.

>4.) Does wire itself have a certain amount of capacitance in a circuit ?

It sure does.  And you can't get rid of it, either--at least not very
easily.  The capacitance values are low--like your 0.1pf--but these can be
very significant at high frequencies.  And if you think you're not going
to be dealing with high frequencies because your circuit is meant, say,
for audio frequencies, you may be in for a surprise: the capacitance of
the wires may, under the proper circumstances, provide nice feedback
pathways for the signal.  When the output of an amplifier is thus
connected back to the input, you get a high-frequency oscillator whether
you wanted one or not.  It's enough to drive you nuts and can be very
difficult to get rid of.  

One method that's used is to apply other capacitors that will re-route any
high-frequency signals.  I suspect that this is the intended purpose of
the capacitor you saw requested.  The method is called "neutralization."

>5.) Instead of the above use of air as a dialectric could you not use
>a piece of wire extended above the circuit, looped once, give a close
>approximation of a 0.1 pf capacitor ?

Yup.  Back before there were printed circuits, this was, as others have
mentioned, called a "gimmick."  You'll find them in a lot of places.  If
you're interested in the art of tuning a high-frequency circuit, have a
look inside the tuner of an FM radio or a UHF television set.  You'll see
all kinds of unlikely components: one-half-turn coils (with center taps,
yet,) strange ground plane designs which cut down (but don't eliminate)
the capacitance between components, and other arcane tricks known only to
rf guys.  

>6.) Does equipment exisit to accuratly measure a 0.1 pf capacitor ?

Yup.  You could do it yourself if you had a high-frequency oscillator and
an impedance bridge circuit.  

We also worry a lot about small capacitances in high voltage work.  The
frequencies are often low, but even a very small capacitance that's
charged to a million volts and then to minus one million volts every 1/120
second is pretty significant.  In fact, the capacitance of electric power
lines to ground and each other is always taken into account in electric
power work.  

That +/- 1MV figure isn't an exaggeration.  That's about the peak voltage
you'll see on the 765kV lines that are powering your computer right now.

M Kinsler
 still trying to figure out what the hell ThinkQuest was supposed to have

Interpretation and instruction of physical science and technology
Athens, Ohio, USA.     "http://www.frognet.net/~kinsler"

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Article Reference: 8B739051078F6B66

spike protection in automotive power supply

Date: 5 Dec 1996 21:02:21 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Hints for Automotive Electronics required

Dave Hills (dhills@onramp.net) wrote:
: minilinx@netaccess.co.nz wrote:
: > 
: > Hi,
: > I am experiencing problems with over voltage pikes destroying the
: > power supply to a micro processor controlled circuit.
: > The current conditions and ciruit are as described below.
: > 
: > Voltage = 24V (nominal)
: > 
: > In series with the +Ve input to the device are a 330R/2W resistor,
: > 1N4007 Diode and a 1W/12V Zener Diode.  Following this is a 20V/1W
: > Zener diode and 100uF capacitor in shunt.  This then feeds a LM7805
: > regulator.
: > 
: > Referring to an application note by SGS-Thompson regarding protection
: > for 12V automotive systems, I expect that voltages as high as 300V are
: > possible for up to 300mS.  I assume that the 24V system from the
: > diesel engine may produce spikes well in excess of this.

: Get yourself a copy of international standard "ISO 7637-2".  This covers
: the 24 volt vehicular requirements for immunity from electrical
: transients.  It provides all the waveforms and voltage levels you will
: have to contend with.  A good L-C filter on the input is a must to
: attenuate the high voltage fast transients normally encountered.  

The LC filter will not necessarily help. A fast-rising tranisient will
couple right on through most simple inductors due to the interwinding
capacitance. This is why zeners or transzorbs are mandatory. A zener is
*extremely* fast, since there is no Trr or Tfr time to contend with (it
is always reverse biased, so removal of minority carriers from the PN
junction is irrelivant). Most microcontroller-based electronics that I
have seen in volume production (used in an automotive environment)
relies on this approach, not LC filters.


up down

Article Reference: 62916742F0FA6118

Tesla Coil

Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 23:15:02 -0600

Original Subject: Re: Huge Fucking Tesla Coil.

On Mon, 27 May 1996, Zev Berkovich wrote:

> I don't know anything about Tesla coils, so I wouldn't be able to help 
> you.  However, maybe you could help me.  I want to build one, can you 
> tell me where to start?

	Ok, some parts you probably should get are:

	1. neon sign transformer, 15kv
	2. heavy gauge insulated wire (probably a bit thicker
		than double strand wire used for lamp power cords).
	3. 3 foot length of 1 1/2 diameter pvc pipe
	4. very fine motor wire, shellacked (sp?) this wire is
	    like the wire used to wind electromagnets

	5. 1/4 inch plate glass, 5 sheets or so, about 16" x 22"
	6. plastic container for plate glass, one of those
	    under-bed containers will do
	7. motor oil, 10W-40 is ok
	8. misc parts

	Wind the fine wire around the pvc pipe, it takes a few
days usually, single layer

	Wind some of the thick wire around a quaker oats round box
	make a capacitor by putting tin foil sheets, with rounded
edges, between the plates. immerse the plates in the oil, getting
out bubbles

	hook up the transformer across a spark gap to the plates,
	which are in parallel with the primary winding (thick wire).
	put the pvc pipe with the fine wire upright and inside the 
quaker oats box with the primary

	Ground the lower wire of the secondary (fine wire from pvc,
	the wire on the lowest part, where you started to wind the
	wire) to a pipe or some suitable ground

	Turn on the transformer briefly; don't look at the spark
	gap because too much ultraviolet radiation

	it is loud, will interfere with radio, tv, cable, etc.


	There are some equations, if I recall

	cost is maybe 50 to 100 dollars

	there are plans for a parlor-trick size device in
the book _Build your own working laser, phaser, ion ray gun_
that can be readily scaled up

	Good luck

WARNING: if you have a cat, a curious cat, make sure it stays
away from the apparatus or else all that will be left will
be a wisker, and your next project will have to be a crystal radio

> In article <4o4486$n67@carbon.cudenver.edu> you wrote:
> : 	Ok, I made one that put out 2 foot sparks.
> : 	Now is time for the grandaddy of them all.
> : 	It should not be operable indoors, for obvious reasons.
> : 	How? (because if I asked, "why?" that would presuppose a reason)
> --

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Article Reference: 30F0DBCB583D5140

value dip in carbon composition resistor

Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 16:58:04 GMT

Original Subject: Re: 60uF+60uF=30uF?? cap question

Carbon composition resistors exhibit lower than specified resistance at high
voltages but 1/2W should be OK.

Horace W Heitman wrote:

> Yes. You should use a resistor in parallel with each capacitor to equalize
> the voltages across the capacitors. Each resistor should have a resistance
> of  1K times the voltage across it. In your case, each capacitor would have
> 250V across it so each resistor would be about 250K. The tolerance of the
> resistors ought to be 5% or better and the power rating should be a minimum
> of 1/2W
> .
> sueded <kttk@netvigator.com> wrote in message
> news:37988b21.3471696@news.netvigator.com...
> > hi,
> >
> > i got a schematic that need a 30uF500V capactior in power supply part
> > but i cant find that high voltage cap...only up to 450V..so i thinking
> > to connect two 60u250V (or higher voltage) in series...from the
> > equation i learnt...60u+60u in series should be =30u
> > and by the voltage divider law...each cap should be carry 250V...
> >
> > is it correct and work??
> >
> > sueded

up down

Article Reference: DA5DE469BC4E6B8C

Wimhurst machine

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 14:04:04 GMT

Original Subject: Re: Static Generator

Hi Alan.  What you have there is a Wimhurst machine.  The counterrotating
disks generate electricity by electrostatic induction, similar to the 
process in an electrophorous.  The jars are Leyden jars, which are basically
high voltage capacitors.  If they have metal inside, they will do.  Just
don't shock yourself silly.  A small neon light should show if electricity is
being produced.  Eric

up down

Article Reference: 5399A96317294E7B

Zerostat static gun

Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 17:38:58 -0500

Original Subject: Re: Old Album pop &scratch filter?

John Woodgate wrote:
> In article <35E27337.86C89479@io.com>, Pin 2 Hot <pinksnd@io.com> writes

> >It is sitting on top of my "Kenwood Audio De-noiser" and my Pioneer
> >"reverberator", the kind with springs in it. I love funky old gear.

> Have you got a Keith Monks 'Dishwasher' as well?

A "Keith Monks 'DisHwasher'"? I've got a DisCwasher system with the
brush pad that has the little bristles all bent in one direction, the 
cleaning fluid, and the "Zerostat" gun that shoots HV ions from a 
piezo crystal, for neutralizing the static electricity on the vinyl,
and a nice, block of mahogany with various odd-shaped routed holes
for storing these items, along with some other doo-dads, including a 
little fold-out mirror, presumably for inspecting the stylus. Some 
people are quite anal about record care, me, I just throw 'em in a 
pile, unsleeved. (that's why I won't sell my pop eliminator.) :-)

Wait a minute, I think I remember the item you're referring to. Do
you stick a record in vertically, and the thing spins the record 
while brushes whirl on both sides and a vacuum runs to collect the 

No, I don't, but NOW I want one. :-)


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