brian whatcott,  <> said...
> says...
>> The problem range is 12000V and only some mA. The source is a
>> piezoelectric material. I'd like to be able to see the exact form of
>> the pulse in an oscilloscope. 
> Place a 100 Mohm and a 100 Kohm in series as a potential divider to
> ground.

The 100M-ohm would have to be a say 15kV version (i.e. Victoreen glass 
resistor a few inches long, etc.).  And it'll be absolutely necessary to 
parallel the 1000:1 resistive divider with a capacitive divider.  Say 5pF 
from the pizeo and 5000pF to gnd.  The 5pF must be good for 15kV - coaxial 
cylinders with air dielectric.  Also a shield or other element will have 
to be arranged to insure that only the charge through the 5PF reaches the 
divider output. 

Not everyone has a 15kV resistor sitting in their parts bins!  No problem! 
Since the time constant of 5pF and 100M-ohms is 0.5ms, which is no doubt 
longer than a pressure-induced piezo spike, just skip the 15kV resistor 

OK, how about 1M-ohm and 5000pF for the bottom end of the attenuator?  Now 
the high-pass time-constant is 5ms - better yet!  E.g. 1M-ohm scope input, 
6 feet of coax, additional 4700pF to gnd.  Connect this to a homemade 5pF 
with appropriate shielding.

Oops - destroy the scope input in case the homemade cap breaks down!

OK, how about 10x scope probe (includes 9M-ohms to protect the scope 
inputs)?  Now the bottom of the attenuator consists of the scope probe and 
470pF cap to gnd.  Connect this to our home-made 4.7pF cap.  Time constant 
still 5ms.  Scope probe sees 120V, scope input 12V 1000:1 overall.  
Calibration?  A 10V 10kHz sig gen yields about 10mv - just measure this 
and determine the actual scale-factor of your instant HV probe!

After calibration, change to 4700pF for 50ms time constant (10,000:1 attn, 
1.2V scope signal) if better pulse shape range is desired.

Winfield Hill        _/_/_/            _/_/_/_/  
The Rowland Institute for Science      _/    _/   _/_/    _/  
Cambridge, MA USA 02142-1297          _/_/_/_/  _/   _/  _/_/_/
                                     _/    _/  _/   _/  _/
""    _/    _/    _/_/   _/_/_/_/

Date: 25 Oct 1996 12:40:38 GMT

Original Subject: Re: How to measure a pulse?

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