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SkyScan Unit $149.00

This hand held device is perfect for Golfers, Boaters, Campers, Swimmers, Outdoors Men or any one who wants the peace of mind of lightning detection and warning.


bullit.gif (1626 bytes)An average lightning stroke is 6 miles long!

bullit.gif (1626 bytes)An average thunderstorm is 6 to 10 miles wide!

bullit.gif (1626 bytes)An average thunderstorm travels at a range of 25 miles per hour!

bullit.gif (1626 bytes)Once the leading edge of a thunderstorm approaches to within 10 miles that you are at immediate risk due to the possibility of lightning strokes coming from the overhanging anvil cloud. Because of this, many lightning deaths and injuries occur with clear skies directly over head!

bullit.gif (1626 bytes)On average, a thunderstorm can only be heard over a distance of 3 to 4 miles depending on humidity, terrain and other factors.


Thunderstorms cause an average of 200 deaths and 700 injuries in the United States alone each year, most of which could be prevented with the warning provided by SkyScan!

Why not place an order for a SkyScan unit today? Isn't your life or the life of your loved ones worth it?

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