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Train Module Main Page Circuitry Assembly and Tuning Parts List


Parts List

RESISTANCES (all 1/4 W / 10%)                                                                            
¤ R1,R9                100k   
¤ R2                   820 ohms                                                                                                                  
¤ R3,R5,R11,R14,R15    1K                                                                            
¤ R4 ,R19,R20          4.7K                                                                                                                        
¤ R6,R13,R18           10K trim pot PC mount                                                                            
¤ R10                  300K                                                                                                                        
¤ R16                  18K                                                                                                                         
¤ R7,R8,R12,R17        10k                                                                                                                                  
¤ R21                  1Meg                                                                                                                        
¤ R22                  680 ohms

¤ C1                   470uf/25 v, PC mount
¤ C2,C10               10uf      
¤ C3                   .001 uf /polyester                 
¤ C4                   .068 uf                               
¤ C5,C7,C8              1 uf 
¤ C12,C13              .1 uf
¤ C6,C15               .047 uf                                     
¤ C11                  220 uf/25v , PC mount                                                                                            
¤ C14                  20 uf                                                                                                                
¤ C9                   Not used

¤ IC1                  TIL 112 Opto Isolator 6 pins DIP                                                                                                       
¤ IC2,IC7              741 Op Amp 8 pins DIP(or OpAmps of your choice,
                       not critical)  
¤ IC3                  LM566 VCO 14 pins DIP                                     
¤ IC4                  CD4017 CMOS Counter 14 pins DIP                           
¤ IC5                  LM386 Power Amplifier 8 pins DIP                           
¤ IC6                  LM556 Dual timer 14 pins DIP                               

Other Parts
¤ RT1,RT2              Rectifier bridge 50v/1A or 8 Rectifier diodes 
                       rated 50v/5a      
¤ VR                   Voltage Regulator 7812 pos 12 VDC/1A TO220 
¤ ZD1                  Zener diode=1N704(4.1v 250mw) or 1N749(4.3v 400mw)
¤ D1 to D7             1N4148 diodes or equivalent(1N34)  
¤ S1                   Small SPDT toggle  
¤ Switch Horn switch   Small normally open push button switch                 
¤ Speaker              8 ohms, 2" to medium size 
¤ Sockets              8 pins,4 ea
                       14 pins,3 ea

NOTE: For a power on indicator connect an LED in series with 1K 
resistor across the supply bus AFTER the switch. 

Train Module Main Page Circuitry Assembly and Tuning Parts List

Suggested PC Layout

Questions and comments to roma60@home.com


© Laurier Gendron, Burnaby, B.C., Canada. 1998