PC Serial Port Receiver

 This circuit was designed to control a 32 channel Christmas light
 show from the PC serial port. Originally designed with TTL logic,
 it has been simplified using CMOS circuits to reduce component
 count. It is a fairly simple, reliable circuit that requires only
 4 common CMOS chips (for 8 outputs), an optical isolator, and a
 few discrete components. The schematic diagram (SERIAL.GIF)
 illustrates the circuit with 16 outputs which can be expanded with
 additional 8 bit shift registers.
 This circuit requires physical connections be made to the
 computer's serial port (COM1 or 2). To the best of my knowledge,
 it is difficult to cause damage to yourself or your computer
 by improper connections to this port, but there is no guarantee
 that damage will not result. Use caution when making any external
 electrical connections.
 Basic RS232 serial transmission
 Serial data is transmitted from the PC as a series of positive and
 negative voltages on a single wire which occur at predetermined
 times established by the baud rate. Both the transmitter and
 receiver must be operating at the same baud rate so that the
 receiver knows when to expect the next bit of information. For the
 PC serial port, baud rate and bit rate are the same thing, but this
 is not necessarily true with modems that can detect more than two
 states of the line.
 In the quiescent state, with no load on the line, the voltage on
 the transmit line (pin 2 of the 25 pin connector) will be about
 -12 relative to the signal ground (pin 7), which corresponds to a
 logical "1". The output impedance of the serial port is about 1K
 ohm which yields about 6 milliamps at 6 volts. A typical data
 transmission frame consists of a start bit, 8 data bits, and one
 to three stop bits. The start bit which is always positive,
 signals the beginning of the transmission and is used by the
 receiver to synchronize the clock so that the data bits can be
 sampled at the proper times. After the 9th time interval passes
 (start bit plus 8 data bits) a dead time occurs which allows the
 receiver time to get ready for the next character. This dead time
 is referred to as a stop bit, which is always negative or the same
 as the quiescent state. The circuit described here requires two
 stop bits of dead time for reliable operation. More sophisticated
 circuitry would require only one.
 Transmitted character examples
 The letter "A" has a ASCII decimal value of 65. The "1" and "64"
 bits are transmitted as a negative voltage (logical "1"), and the
 others are transmitted as a positive voltage (logical "0").
 64 + 1 = 65 = "A"
 +       _____       _____________________________       _____
        |     |     |                             |     |     |
        |     |     |                             |     |     |
 -  -----      -----                               -----       ---------
         Start  D0    D1    D2    D3    D4    D5    D6    D7   Stop Stop
 Decimal value   1     2     4     8    16    32    64    128
 Clock _______    __    __    __    __    __    __    __    ____________
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
              |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
 The letter "B" has a ASCII decimal value of 66. The "2" and "64"
 bits are transmitted as a negative voltage (logical "1"), and the
 others are transmitted as a positive voltage (logical "0").
 64 + 2 = 66 = "B"
 +       ___________       _______________________       _____
        |           |     |                       |     |     |
        |           |     |                       |     |     |
 -  -----            -----                         -----       ---------
         Start  D0    D1    D2    D3    D4    D5    D6    D7   Stop Stop
 Circuit operation
 The input terminals (pins 1 and 2) of the optical isolator are
 connected through a 1K resistor to the transmit and signal ground
 pins of the PC's serial port (pins 2 and 7 of the 25 pin connector).
 A small signal diode is connected across the isolator input
 terminals to protect the isolator from reverse voltage. In the
 idle state, the isolator input voltage will be about -0.7 volts
 and the isolator LED and transistor will be off. When a start bit
 is received, about 5 milliamps will flow through the isolator LED
 causing the isolator transistor to conduct at about 80 microamps
 which in turn causes the external switching transistor (Q1) to
 turn off. The rising voltage at the collector of Q1 is coupled
 through a 510 pF capacitor to produce a narrow positive pulse
 which sets the Q output of the first RS data latch (1/2 CD4013)
 and enables the dual NAND gate clock oscillator.
 The clock oscillator runs at a frequency equal to the baud rate
 (9600 Hz) and must maintain a frequency accuracy of less than 5%
 over the temperature range. High stability R and C components
 are recommended.
 The clock output is delayed by one cycle so that the start bit
 will not be received as a valid data bit. This is accomplished
 by the two remaining NAND gates (1/2 CD4093) and the second RS
 data latch (1/2 CD4013). One of these gates is used to invert
 the clock phase so that the first clock edge seen by the latch
 (clock pin 11) will be going the wrong direction and so ignored.
 The remaining gate, which is enabled by the second latch, opens on
 the third clock edge, but also inverts the clock phase, and so
 supplies a falling clock edge to the counter and shift registers
 which is again the wrong direction, and is ignored. The fourth
 clock edge will be rising and active and will occur near the
 middle (about 52 microseconds) of the first data bit which will be
 shifted into the registers. The remaining 7 bits are shifted into
 the registers on each successive rising clock edge. Data is
 inverted at the register outputs, a logical "1" will correspond to
 zero volts, and a logical "0" will correspond to +6 volts.
 Transmitting character (255) will set all outputs low, and
 transmitting character (0) will set them all high.
 The 4017 decade counter increments one count on each rising clock
 edge and resets both data latches on the 8th edge. This in turn
 stops the clock and resets the counter, and the circuit remains in
 a waiting state until the next start bit arrives. Two stop bits of
 dead time are required to allow the voltage at the input of the
 NAND gate (pin 2) to reach a logic "1" before the next start bit
 arrives. Erratic operation may occur when 2 or more characters are
 transmitted as a string and only one stop bit is used.
 The circuit may be modified to run at different baud rates by
 adjusting the clock frequency. This can be accomplished by
 temporally connecting pin 6 of the CD4013 to the positive supply
 and then selecting R and C values for the desired frequency. You
 may need to use a 1% resistor or a couple 5% resistors in series
 or parallel to get the value close enough. Or use a variable
 resistor in series of about 10% the total value.
 At 9600 baud, data output at the shift registers will be unstable
 for about a millisecond per word while the incoming data bits
 are shifted into the registers and the existing bits are shifted
 out (into bit heaven). Higher baud rates will reduce this time
 proportionally and the original circuit operates at 57.6K baud
 to eliminate a slight flickering of the lights which was noticed
 at 9600.
 The 74HCT164 shift register outputs will sink or source about
 4 milliamps at 6 volts which can be increased with medium power
 transistors or FETs to drive relay coils, incandescent lights
 and other electronic devices. If relays are used, a small signal
 diode will need to be added across the relay coil to suppress
 the inductive voltage.
 Power supply
 It is recommended that 0.1 uF capacitors be installed near the
 power pins of each CMOS device and a well regulated/filtered power
 supply be used. For test purposes, a 6 volt battery will work
 but the clock frequency will change slightly with power supply 
 voltage variations.
 CD4011 Quad NAND gate
                14 | Vdd
          |                |
          |      CD4011    |
          |    |____       |
  1  -----|----|     \     |
          |    |      0 ---|----- 3
  2  -----|----|____/      |
          |    |           |
          |                |
          |    |____       |
  5  -----|----|     \     |
          |    |      0 ---|----- 4
  6  -----|----|____/      |
          |    |           |
          |                |
          |    |____       |
  8  -----|----|     \     |
          |    |      0 ---|----- 10
  9  -----|----|____/      |
          |    |           |
          |                |
          |    |____       |
  12 -----|----|     \     |
          |    |      0 ---|----- 11
  13 -----|----|____/      |
          |    |           |
                 7 | Vss
 CD4013 Dual 'D' Type Flip-Flop
               14 | Vdd
         |                |
  6 -----|   Set 1     Q1 |-----1
  5 -----|      D1        |
  3 -----| Clock 1     _  |
  4 -----| Reset 1     Q1 |-----2
         |                |
         |     CD4013     |
         |                |
  8 -----|   Set 2     Q2 |-----13
  9 -----|      D2        |
 11 -----| Clock 2     _  |
 10 -----| Reset 2     Q2 |-----12
                7 | Vss
  CD4017  Decade Counter/Divider
               16 | Vdd
         |                |
         |     CD4017     |
         |                |
         |            "0" |----- 3
         |            "1" |----- 2
         |            "2" |----- 4
 14 -----| Clock      "3" |----- 7
         |            "4" |----- 10
 13 -----| Clock      "5" |----- 1
         | Enable     "6" |----- 5
         |            "7" |----- 6
 15 -----| Reset      "8" |----- 9
         |            "9" |----- 11
         |      Carry out |----- 12
                8 | Vss
  74HCT164  8 Bit Serial-In / Parallel-Out Shift Register
               14 | Vdd
         |                |
         |    74HCT164    |
         |                |
  1 -----| AND Gated   Q0 |----- 3
         | Serial      Q1 |----- 4
  2 -----| Inputs      Q2 |----- 5
         |             Q3 |----- 6
         |             Q4 |----- 10
  9 ----0| Reset       Q5 |----- 11
         | Active      Q6 |----- 12
         | Low         Q7 |----- 13
         |                |
  8 -----| Clock          |
                7 | Vss
  Serial port male D-SUB connectors as seen from outside the PC.
   1                         13         1         5
  _____________________________        _____________
 (  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  )      (  . . . . .  )
  \  . . . . . . . . . . . .  /        \  . . . .  /
    -------------------------            ---------
   14                       25           6       9
 Name                Output/Input       25 pin  9 pin
 Transmit Data            O               2      3
 Receive Data             I               3      2
 Request To Send          O               4      7
 Clear To Send            I               5      8
 Data Terminal Ready      O              20      4
 Data Set Ready           I               6      6
 Ring Indicator           I              22      9
 Data Carrier Detect      I               8      1
 Signal ground            -               7      5
 Power line ground        -               1      -
 QBasic test program for 8 bit receiver
 PRINT "Test sequence in progress, press any key to quit."
 OPEN "COM1:9600,n,8,2,CD0,CS0,DS0,OP0,RS,TB2048" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
   FOR Bit = 0 TO 7
   PRINT #1, CHR$(255 - (2 ^ Bit)); ' Set one of 8 outputs high.
   SLEEP 1                          ' Wait 1 sec between characters.
   NEXT Bit
 GOTO Sequence


PC Serial Receiver (57.6K Baud / TTL & CMOS)
