Shiny people Flower children

Our publications

A list of our refereed publications going back to 1997, as well as some reports we've been involved with producing.

Recent unrefereed reports
Publications in press and recently submitted papers
Publications in 2000-2001
Publications in 1998-1999
Publications before 1998

Recent unrefereed reports

Harrison RG, Shine KP: A review of recent studies of the influence of solar changes on the Earth's climate.
Report produced for Hadley Centre/Meteorological Office

Rosier SM, Shine KP, Tourpali K 1999: An `Intermediate' General Circulation Model for Ozone Change Studies.
Proceedings of the NATO ASI on `Chemistry and Radiation Changes in the Ozone Layer'
held in Kolympari, Crete, Greece, 15--24 May, 1999.

Publications in press and recently submitted papers

Forster PM de F and Shine KP: Assessing the climate impact of trends in stratospheric water vapor.
Submitted to Submitted to Geophys. Res. Lett
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (74 kb)

Shine KP: Atmospheric ozone and climate change.
Accepted by Ozone: Science and Engineering.

Myhre G, Jonson JE, Bartnicki J, Stordal F, Shine KP: Role of spatial and temporal variations in the computation of radiative forcing due to sulphate aerosol.
Submitted to Quart J Roy Met Soc

Forster PM de F, Shine KP: Assessing the climate impact and its uncertainty for trends in stratospheric water vapor.
accepted by Geophys. Res. Lett.
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (73 kb)

Gettelman A, Forster PM de F: Definition and climatology of the tropical tropopause layer.
accepted by J. Met. Soc. Japan
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version

Chagas JCS, Newnham DA, Smith KM, Shine KP: Impact of new measurements of oxygen collision-induced absorption on estimates of short-wave atmospheric absorption.
Submitted to Quart J Roy Met Soc
Click here for a postscript version (1200 kb)
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (900 kb)

Shine, KP and EJ Highwood, 2001: Problems in quantifying natural and anthropogenic perturbations to the Earth's energy balance.
To appear in "Meteorology at the Millenium" Ed: RP Pearce, Academic
Click here for a postscript version (1000 kb)
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (350 kb)

Publications in 2000-2001

Forster PM de F, Tourpali K, 2001: The effect of tropopause height changes on the calculation of ozone trends and their radiative forcing,
J. Geophys. Res.
106: 12241-12252
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (243 kb)

Forster PM de F, Ponater M, Zhong W, 2001: Testing broadband radiation schemes for their ability to calculate the radiative forcing and temperature response to stratospheric water vapour and ozone changes.
Meteorol Z.
10: 387-393
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (192 kb)

Sihra, K, Hurley MD, Shine KP, Wallington TJ, 2001: Updated radiative forcing estimates of sixty-five halocarbons and non-methane hydrocarbons.
J Geophys Res
106: 20493-20506.
Click here for a postscript version (650 kb)
Click here for an acrobat (.pdf) version (1100 kb)

Chagas JCS, Newnham DA, Smith KM, Shine KP, 2001: Effects of improvements in near-infared water vapour line intensities on short-wave atmospheric absorption.
Geophys Res Lett
28: 2401-2402
Click here for a postscript version of the text (85 kb)
Click here for a postscript version of the figures (2650 kb)
Click here for a acrobat (.pdf) version of the text (397 kb)
Click here for a acrobat (.pdf) version of the figures (350 kb)

Rosier SM, Shine KP, 2000: The effect of two decades of ozone change on stratospheric temperatures as indicated by a general circulation model.
Geophys Res Lett

Sturges WT, Wallington TJ, Hurley MD, Shine KP, Sihra K, Engel A, Oram DE, Penkett SA, Mulvaney R, Brenninkmeijer CAM 2000: A potent greenhouse gas identified in the atmosphere: SF5CF3.

Shine KP, 2000: Radiative forcing and climate change
Space Science Reviews

Ballard J, Knight RJ, Newnham DA, Auwera JV, Herman M, Lonardo GD, Masciarelli G, Nicolaisen FM, Beukes JA, Christensen LK, McPheat R, Duxbury G, Freckleton R, Shine KP 2000: An intercomparison of laboratory measurements of absorption cross sections and integrated absorption intensities for HCFC-22.
J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf
66: 109-128

Forster PMdeF, Blackburn M, Glover R, Shine KP 2000: An examination of climate sensitivity for idealised climate change experiments in an intermediate general circulation model.
Climate Dynamics

Highwood E, Shine KP 2000: Radiative forcing and global warming potentials of 11 halogenated compounds.
J Quant Spectrosc Radiat Transf

Publications in 1998-1999

Allan RP, Shine KP, Slingo A, Pamment JA 1999: The dependence of clear-sky outgoing longwave radiation on surface temperature and height dependent changes in relative humidity.
Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc

Forster PMdeF 1999: Radiative forcing due to stratospheric ozone changes 1979-1997, using updated trend estimates.
J Geophys Res

Forster PMdeF, Shine KP 1999: Stratospheric water vapour changes as a possible contributor to observed stratospheric cooling.
Geophys Res Lett
26:3309-3312 (available in html or pdf format)

Highwood E, Shine KP, Hurley MD, Wallington TJ 1999: Estimation of direct radiative forcing due to non-methane hydrocarbons.
Atmos. Env.

Sabziparvar AA, Shine KP, Forster PMdeF 1999: A model derived global climatology of ultraviolet irradiance at the Earth's surface.
Photochem. PhotoBiol

Shine KP, Forster PMdeF 1999: The effect of human activity on radiative forcing of climate change: a review of recent developments.
Global and Planetary Change 20:205-225

Freckleton RS, Highwood EJ, Shine KP,Wild O, Law KS, Sanderson MG 1998: Greenhouse gas radiative forcing: effects of averaging and inhomogeneities in trace gas distribution.
Quart J Royal Meteorol Soc

Jackson DR, Driscoll SJ, Highwood EJ, Harries JE, Russell III JM 1998: Troposphere to stratosphere transport at low latitudes as studied using HALOE observations of water vapour 1992-1997.
Quart J Roy Meteorol Soc

Myhre G, Highwood EJ, Shine KP, Stordal F 1998: New estimates of radiative forcing due to well-mixed greenhouse gases.
Geophys Res Lett

Pinnock S, Shine KP 1998: The effects of changes in HITRAN and uncertainties in the spectroscopy of infrared irradiance calculations.
J Atmos Sci

Sabziparvar AA, Forster PMdeF, Shine KP 1998: Changes in ultraviolet radiation due to stratospheric and tropospheric ozone changes since pre-industrial times.
J Geophys Res

Shine KP, Freckleton RS, Forster PMdeF 1998: Comment on "Climate forcing by stratospheric ozone depletion calculated from observed temperature trends",
Geophys Res Lett
. 25:663-664

Stevenson DS, Johnson CE, Collins WJ, Derwent RG, Shine KP, Edwards JM 1998: Evolution of tropospheric ozone radiative forcing.
Geophys Res Lett 25:3819-3822

Publications before 1998

Berntsen T, Isaksen ISA, Fuglesvedt JS, Myhre G, Stordal F, Larsen, TA, Freckleton RS, Shine KP 1997: Effects of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric ozone and radiative forcing.
J.Geophys Res

Christidis N, Hurley MD, Pinnock S, Shine KP, Wallington TJ 1997: Further calculations of the radiative forcing of CFC-11 and possible fluorocarbon replacements to the CFCs.
J Geophys Res

Forster PMdeF, Shine KP 1997: Radiative forcing and temperature trends from stratospheric ozone depletion.
J Geophys Res

Forster PMdeF, Freckleton RS, Shine KP 1997: On the concept of radiative forcing.
Climate Dynamics

Haywood JM, Roberts DL, Slingo A, Edwards JM, Shine KP 1997: Global circulation model calculations of the radiative forcing of anthropogenic sulphate and soot aerosol.
J Climate

Haywood JM, Shine KP 1997: Multi-spectral calculations of the radiative forcing of tropospheric sulphate and soot aerosols using a column model.
Quart J Royal Meteorol Soc

Heintzenberg J, Charlson RJ, Clarke AD, Liousse C, Ramaswamy V, Shine KP, Wendisch M, Helas, G 1997: Measurements and modelling of aerosol single scattering albedo: progress, problems and prospects.
Contrib Atmos Phys

Petch JC, Craig GC, Shine KP 1997: Comparison of two bulk microphysical schemes and their effects on radiative transfer using a single column model.
Quart J Royal Meteorol Soc

Ringer MA, Shine KP 1997: Sensitivity of the Earth's radiation budget to interannual variation in cloud amount.
Climate Dynamics

Department of Meteorology,
University of Reading,
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Reading RG6 6BB UK.
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Radiation webpages last updated: June 2001
© 2001 Department of Meteorology, All rights Reserved.
The radiation web pages are maintained by Manoj Joshi

Manoj does not think these web pages are in any way cool,
unless he's having a really bad week.