Pendulum - 1. Basic Dowsing Discover the Secrets of
Dowsing with Your Pendulum

Intuition Technology
- Dowsing is IT !

Make your Home Safe and
Healthy for your Family !

Chapter 1 - "Basic Dowsing"


These instructions explain how to use your Pendulum, and give some exercises for you to practice. You will have a lot of fun finding things, increasing your Dowsing skills at the same time - and gaining confidence in your Dowsing abilities.

Dowsing tools include `L' shaped rods (such as cut coat hangers), `Y' shaped rods (hazel or other branches), `Bobbers' (like fishing rods held by the tip), and Pendulums (a weight on the end of a length of string).

Dowsing is ` `Intuition Technology '. You put your ` conscious/thinking mind ' in a state of sincerity and concentration to open a ` communications channel ', and then ask a carefully worded question.

I imagine a part of my ` intuitive mind ' called ` Dowsing ' that takes this question, feeds it into ` The System ' using the correct communications channel, and receives an answer.

` Dowsing ' then indicates the answer to you by giving muscular impulses which manipulate a tool (which amplifies the muscle movements) according to the signaling method agreed between you and Dowsing. This bypasses your ` conscious / thinking mind ' - which tends to block ` intuition '.

To become an expert Dowser needs lots of hard work, over months, maybe years. The important part is improving - getting better at co- ordinating and using your skills. And you will never learn if you do not keep trying ! Even as an expert, you may lose your skills if you do not keep on practicing.

Have you heard of ` Pyramid Power ' ? It can even sharpen razor blades !

When your Pendulum circles it is making a cone shape, a ` virtual ' circular pyramid! I find that when I am in sincere concentration (aka prayer) my Pendulum makes that cone shape, perhaps amplifying my question so it is heard clearly.


In France, Germany, Russia, and other countries in Europe, governments accept Dowsing - and some government departments have Dowsing sections. North America is far behind - mainly due to vested interests and fear of ridicule. But it is used ` on the quiet ' by many large organizations.

Healers use a Pendulum to find causes for illness in their patients; engineers locate errors on drawings; computer experts find errors in computer code; gold and oil deposits are found; buried treasure and ancient artifacts are located; water, electric, and telephone utilities use Dowsing to find their lines. Dowsing has been used in many places to increase food crops - by helping plants grow, keeping bugs away, and even putting a protective field around them to prevent diseases. There are many other uses of Dowsing that are not covered here.

Dowsing goes under many names; for centuries the Chinese have used Feng Shui to decide how to place and make a harmonious home. In Europe it is used to choose sites which will be free of cancer causing rays and to find what causes high incidences of road accidents - and then eliminate these causes!

You can access your mind and body parts, and to the creations of man such as cars and computers; you can contact animals and vegetation Learning to Dowse is like learning to read. Once you have started, you can apply it to many fields. The list is endless. And you can do a lot of good by letting others see you use your Dowsing skills in public.

People complain that businessmen, politicians, medical practitioners, and the general public do not accept Dowsing. Yet there are many who ` use their Pendulum ' in private - this is especially true of ladies. By letting others see that you Dowse you are encouraging them to be Dowsers - and to Dowse in public themselves. That way Dowsing will become accepted! It is up to you!

Just think how much better the world would be if politicians ` did the right thing ', if alternative medicine and spiritual healing reduced illness, if the justice system were fair to all, and if children were not abused.

This will happen. It will happen sooner if you help - by Dowsing in public, to help get Dowsing accepted as a true ` gift from God ', for us all to admit that we can get help from Higher Entities, such as our Guardian Angels, Higher Selves, or other names that we choose to use.

You may encounter resistance and negativity from some church authorities. By contacting your Guardian Angel directly you are by- passing them - and they may be afraid to lose their authority and control over you.

In some religions it has been accepted that priests can Dowse - but not those persons not ordained. The Spanish priests used Dowsing to find treasure in the Americas, while burning other people at the stake for using witchcraft.

When you have gained some experience as a Dowser, and have gained confidence in your ability to Dowse, then ask The System about any of the statements in this booklet that you find surprising - check that all this is true!


A Pendulum can be made from a paper-clip on a piece of cotton thread, a brass weight on a string, or a cannon ball on a chain - if you are strong enough to lift it! Some people use key tags or a crystal on a metal chain. A glass bead, about 3/8 inch (1 cm) diameter - spherical or pear-shaped) suspended by about 15 inches (40 cm) of braided thread (e.g. a shoe lace) is a good compromise.

First bond together with your Pendulum as a team, and specify that the ` Love of Truth ' communications channel always be used in your Dowsing - so hold your Pendulum in your hand, and say:

` I, (your name), the owner of this Pendulum, declare that all answers shall always be given in the Love of Truth when using this Pendulum or any other Dowsing tool; I promise to use my Pendulum only for Good. '

Next request the Force for Good, acting with Love of Truth, to help you by being your ` Gate Keeper ', to ensure that all your Dowsing is done in love and that the answers the best available and are true, that they apply to the present time, and that they are within your range of understanding.

` I ask the Force for Good to Guard all my Dowsing, to obtain only answers given in Love of Truth, given from all available sources, and given in terms of the present time and locations that I understand as a human being on this earth. '

You should be in a state of prayer when using your Pendulum. This means being really sincere and honest, concentrating on what you are saying and thinking - and thinking only good thoughts.

You may also find that taking a ` Pranic Breath ' helps your Dowsing: place your conscious awareness at the top of your nose / between your eyes; breathe deeply, feeling the breath with your conscious awareness; exhale, moving your conscious awareness straight back into your head. You may feel yourself expand, and your ` mind chatter ' will usually lessen.

Because using your Pendulum is such a serious business it presents a problem; if you use your Pendulum only for serious matters then how do you get the practice that you need to learn (and to teach others) to become proficient ?

The answer lies in asking The System for permission to practice - like guessing the cards in a pack, telling dates of coins, or finding non- essential things. But if you ask permission to practice and then use the results for personal gain (like having an unfair advantage to win at cards) you may be penalized.


The next key to Dowsing is to make certain that your mind fully understands the signals to be used. A computer is just a piece of furniture without a program - and in the same way your Dowsing needs to be programmed. You can have different programs for different tools and various jobs, and can change the programming at any time, like using different computer programs.

If you have been using a set of Dowsing signals, then you may decide to stay with them. You can also just ask for the signals that your body and mind suggest be used. But these may not be the best signals to use in all circumstances - you would not use a word processor to handle a spreadsheet, or do gardening with a table fork.

The programming (or signal system) suggested in this booklet has been found to be good for most people, and if you are new to Dowsing, or having difficulties with your Dowsing, then you may decide to use it. If so, then say:

` I now cancel all previous programs that I have had for Dowsing, and state that the signals to be used are a clockwise circle to indicate " YES ", an anti-clockwise circle to show " NO ", an up-and-down line to signify " WAITING ", and a side-to-side line to mean that an answer is " NOT AVAILABLE " '.

Although you can use either hand to Dowse, you may find that the best hand to use as your Dowsing hand is the opposite hand to that which you normally use; this allows your ` normal ' hand to be used for writing when you are Dowsing. But if you find this difficult, use your normal hand.

The term ` other hand ' means the hand that is not holding your Pendulum.

Now hold your Pendulum as shown on the cover page, with the holding point between your thumb and first finger of your normal hand (the finger next to the thumb), with about 7 inches (20 cm) of string to the point of your Pendulum, which should be about 1/4 inch (0.5 cm) above a piece of blank paper. First of all, just hold it still (this is like teaching your dog to sit !).

Step 1

Now look at the diagram of circles and lines next to this writing. Hold your Pendulum above the middle of the 'up and down' line and make it swing along the line - towards you and away from you; this is the " WAITING POSITION " - ready for a question. Stop, hold your Pendulum still, and without making it move ask it swing in the " WAITING POSITION ".

Step 2

Repeat this procedure explaining that if the question is poorly worded, is not understood, is beyond your Dowsing ability, or should not be asked, then the " NOT AVAILABLE " signal to be used is to slow down and stop along the " WAITING POSITION ", and then to restart swinging on the " NOT AVAILABLE " line.

Step 3

Hold your Pendulum over the clockwise circle, and tell it to move in a clockwise direction; if it does not move the first time, you can make it move - but keep at this until it moves without you forcing it. Repeat for the anti-clockwise circle.

Step 4

Hold your Pendulum over the " YES " circle and ask your Pendulum to make a circle in the " YES " direction.

Do not make it move, just wait for your Pendulum to move on its own! This is VERY important, since you are trying to confirm that the signal is understood.

Step 5

Then hold it over the " NO " circle and ask it to make a circle in the "NO" direction. Practice these " YES " and " NO " circles to make sure that you have them correct - they are the key to being able to Dowse.

Repeat steps 1 to 5 until you have success - then you can ask simple questions for practice (but remember to ask permission to practice first !), such as " Is today Wednesday ? " - but wait until you have read all the instructions before asking any important questions.

Now repeat these exercises using just thought - just thinking " YES ", " NO ".


Some people have difficulty in getting a Pendulum to work well for them when they first start. If you are having difficulty, use a ` `Bobber '.

Get hold of a wire coathanger, cut it on one limb at the hook, and straighten it. Hold the hooked end in your hand (the hook is a handle) and point the free end in front of you.

You now have a ` horizontal Pendulum ' or ` `Bobber ' which many people find very responsive - so practice the movements as before: up-down for " WAITING ", side-to-side for " NOT AVAILABLE ", clockwise circle for " YES ", anti-clockwise for " NO ".

Your time spent learning to use a Bobber is well spent. It is a very useful tool for using outside for locating lost rings, coins, or other small items - especially when it is windy.


The other key to using your Pendulum is asking for directions; so program your Pendulum ! Tell it:

` When indicating directions, make a " YES " circle and then swing in the direction to be indicated. If any doubt, make a " NO " circle'.

Now hold your Pendulum over the centre of the ` `counting chart ' (marked " Start Here ") so that it is either still or making a small circle. Now tell it to move in the direction of the line marked " 6 ".

Your Pendulum should make a small " YES " circle, and then move along the line leading towards the number requested. If it makes a " NO " circle, be cautious - something may be wrong!

Repeat this with the other lines, marked " 0 " to " 9 ", until it does them all correctly. You can use this skill to find lost and stolen items, read messages, seek treasure, and find your way home.


A long string is more sensitive to small muscular movements but takes a longer time to complete a movement than does a short string. When starting to Dowse you may find a long string best, changing to a shorter length as you become more skilled and your muscle system becomes used to Dowsing.

Some people use very long strings on their Pendulums, and vary the length according to the item they are seeking; this long type of Pendulum was developed by `T.C.Lethbridge, but is not generally used today.

A light Pendulum needs less energy to respond, but is more easily blown about by the wind. You may need a heavier one if you use it outside in strong winds.

Since your Pendulum is being used by YOU, you should choose a length that responds best to YOUR mind and body - instead of the length that you used to start. This is called ' tuning ' your Pendulum.

The most accurate way is to hold the string between your thumb and first finger of your hand, and slowly let the string out. If you find this difficult, wrap the string around a pencil first; but be sure to hold the string (on the pencil) between your thumb and first finger.

Start with about 2 inches (5 cm) of string between your finger and the pendulum weight. Place your other elbow against the side of your body, with the hand in front of you, palm upwards, pointing across your body; let your Pendulum swing gently along the line of your hand.

Let the string out a little at a time, and soon your Pendulum will start to make a circle; continue to let out the string slowly, and your Pendulum will go back to swinging again; let out more string until your Pendulum starts making a circle again - note that this circle is much larger than the first circle; you have found the correct place to hold the string of your Pendulum !

If you are very sensitive, your Pendulum may make very large circles all the time when using this length; if this is so, then use the shorter length - when your Pendulum first started to make a circle. Mark this the ' holding point ' by making a simple slip knot in the string.


Your Pendulum is a tool; by itself it has no magic abilities ! All it does is enable you to get information from the intuitive side of your brain without a lot of interference from the rational side of your brain - and amplifies that input.

As with all tools, it is best to take good care of your Pendulum so that it is clean and in good condition when needed. Repeat the first lesson with the " YES " and " NO " circles. Most people get a clockwise rotation for " YES ", and anti-clockwise for " NO ". In a some cases people get signals the other way round; if this is happening to you, then go over the procedure a few more times to make certain, and remember that for you the signals are ' clockwise = NO, anti-clockwise = YES '.

The " YES " and " NO " directions may change depending on your body cycles (and those of any person that you are asking about). So it is good practice to check the directions each time you Dowse, and each time you ask about any other person. So ask ` Show me the signal for " YES " ' whenever you Dowse.

The next step is to make sure that The System agrees to the use of the signals you have declared in your programs. So hold your Pendulum and declare:

‘ My Dowsing must always be guarded by The Force for Good, and obtain answers in Love of Truth from all available sources. ’

‘ You must always tell the truth, got from all available sources. ’

‘ " YES " or " NO " signals may only be given if the question is a a good, clear question, permitted to be asked by me, and if the true answer is known. ’

‘ Otherwise you must stay still or give a " NOT AVAILABLE " signal. ’

This is VERY important, so ask The System if it understands ! If your Pendulum signals " NO " or stays still, then repeat this part of the training until your Pendulum signals " YES ".

Some people consider that a ` witness ' aids their questing. This is a sample of what you seek - held in your hand, attached to your Pendulum, or inserted into your Pendulum (if it is hollow and can be unscrewed). This may work by concentrating your thoughts on the task at hand.


There are some very important rules about the questions that you ask.

While The System may be able to understand your intention, it may still insist that you ` cover all your bases ' to get you into a good habit.

And this habit is important, since at times you may address questions to an animal, a tree, your car or your computer; they will respond to the exact question that you ask - even if it is not what you intended !

First, you should be in a state of meditation or prayer - be serious, concentrate.

Second, the question must be clear, so that The System really understands the question. If you are thinking about eating more ice cream the question ' Is it OK? ' is NOT clear - The System may not understand what you mean by " it "! So ask ` Is it OK for me to eat more ice cream now ? '

Imagine that you are in a car which has a broken fuel gauge; you ask ` Does the car need gas ? '. The answer will always be " YES ", even if the tank is full. The car needs gasoline (called ' gas ') to make the engine work, and it needs air (another gas) to burn with the gasoline and to fill the tyres. A better way to ask this question would be ` Is the gas tank of this car less than half full ? '

Third, the answer must be " YES " or " NO " (if not a direction). If somebody told you a story, asking ` Is the story true ?' may not work, because some of it may be true, and some of it may not be true. So you must ask about the part of the story that you think may be untrue.

Fourth, there are some questions which should NOT be asked - especially if the question is NOT your business ! This is why is is very important to ask The System ` May I ask about XXX ?' before asking the actual question.

Fifth, you must not try to make your Pendulum move in any way. If you try to force it to move " YES " because you want it to, but think that the true answer may be " NO ", then you are spoiling the training that you have done. So the next time you ask a question, The System may not give the correct answer.

Sixth, you must check that you are working within the ` rules of the game '. This means that you must define your question and the reason for asking it, and check with your pendulum for " YES " answers to ` May I, Can I, Should I ?'

" I am seeking to find the best way to .... " to define the problem.

" This is to help XXX to feel happier " to explain your reason for asking.

" May I ask ?" to get permission to proceed, and confirm that the answer is available.

" Can I ask ?" to inquire if you have the skill to get a correct answer.

" Should I ask?" in case your question is about a forbidden subject, an invasion of a person's privacy, or other reason why you should not ask at this time.

And then ask your question if the replies have all been " YES ".

" Is my understanding that YYYY correct ?" is a good way to check that the question was what you intended, that you have understood the answer, and that the answer given was the correct answer !

If any reply is " NO ", you do NOT proceed; if you are asking about someone else, and did not explain that you are asking in order to help, you may get a " NO " answer; this is one time when you can explain why you are asking, and repeat your check. It may also be the wrong time to ask the question !

Some people try and combine these, by presuming that getting a " YES " after asking ` May I ?' implies that permission would only be granted if the ` Can I ?' and ` Should I ?' were also " YES ". This is logical; but your intuition is NOT logical ! You MUST ask ALL the questions separately !

If you often get wrong answers after your ' May I, Can I, Should I ?' check, it is probably due to badly worded questions, or your influence in wanting a particular answer. Make sure that your questions are clear and cannot be twisted (like the gas example), and then having asked the question say to yourself ' I wonder what the answer will be .. I wonder what the answer will be .. I wonder what the answer will be .. ' to stop your thoughts interfering.

It also helps if you do keep your mind on what you are doing. Asking about something you do not like (broccoli ?) and then thinking of an ice cream will be sure to give you a wrong answer! It is good practice to always check the answers that you get by asking ' Is the answer ... YYYY ... correct ?' - it may be wrong if the question was poorly worded or should not have been asked.

Remember how to ask a question; although it may seem silly to ask permission for very simple questions, do it to build a routine to use when asking more complicated questions - ` get into the habit '. ` May I ask if my eyes are brown ?' then ` Are my eyes brown ?', and afterwards check by ` Is the answer that my eyes are brown correct ?'

OK, it is time to exercise your Pendulum; try these questions:

Are my eyes brown ?

Did I eat an egg for breakfast today ? Ditto cereal ?

Do I like spinach ? Ice Cream ? Broccoli ?

Will I be rich ? Poor ?

Did you remember to ask permission for practice questions ? Did you ask the ` May I? Can I? Should I ?' questions ? - and did you check the answers ?

If yes to both rich and poor, remember you could be poor at one time and rich in another. Are you poor in spirit and rich in wealth ? Try asking about wealth, and about spirit !

If you try to influence your Pendulum it could give you the answer that you want - and one that may not be true ! Try and keep an open and inquiring mind, and always check the answer - ask

` Have I correctly understood the Truth ?'.

You do not have to speak aloud when you ask The System a question - it is quite OK ` to think ' the question to yourself. And that way, nobody else knows the question that you are asking !

If your Pendulum makes a small circle (or a small swing) or does this slowly it is indicating that there is some doubt, or the question may be poorly worded. A very large circle (with speed) says " without any doubt "; usually you get a middle sized circle, meaning that the answer is based on present data which may change in the future.

Remember that the size and speed is relative to the normal size and speed of a circle made with that same length of string.

Another time when you may get a small circle is when your solution to a problem is workable, but not the best solution - so keep refining your solution and you will get a bigger circle the closer that you come to the best solution.

Although The System is able to answer all your questions, you must not rely on it for every minor matter in your daily life ! You must learn to make your own decisions; but it is OK to ask for training purposes, and if the matter is important. And even then, it is best to make a decision and then ask ` Did I make the correct decision ?'. If the answer is " NO " then use your Pendulum to find out how you can improve your decision.


Typical questions are ` On a scale from 1 to 9, how fresh are these tomatoes ?', ` .. how suitable is this suit for me ?', ` .. how allergic am I to eating peanuts ?'

For depths of water, minerals, etc., you can ask first in terms of ` How many thousands of feet ?', with an answer between 2 and 3 .. ` How many hundreds of feet over two thousand ?', and if you get a swing between 5 and 6 .. ` How many tens of feet over 2,500 feet ?', and narrow the search down.

You can get practice asking ` How many minutes will I have to wait for the next bus to come ?' - remember that it may not be the bus that you need, so you can ask ` .. for the next #10 bus.. going in my direction '; ` How many miles to the next gas station on this road ?'; and you can check these answers !

Another way of counting, useful especially if you do not have your Counting Chart with you, is to make a guess and then split differences: ` Is the depth greater than 1,000 feet ?' ( " YES " ) ` Is the depth greater than 2,000 feet ?' ( " NO " ) `.. greater than 1,500 feet ?' and keep narrowing this down by halves. The depth may be exactly 2,000 feet down - so remember to check !

You can also ask that your Pendulum make a number of circles to give count; but you must arrange the code beforehand - are the first and last (small ?) circles part of the count? Try sample counts to see what works for you.

Introduction -|||- Popular Uses -|- Improving Health -|- Make your Home Safe -|- ** Message Chart -|- Appendices

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