AJP's Circuits

NBFM Xtal VHF Receiver.

This Narrow VHF FM receiver will Tune between 70MHz and 170MHz and drive an 16ohm speaker with 200mW AF power. Inductor L1 should be 22WSG and 7 turns on 7mm air former for 70MHz, 100MHz 6turns, 115MHz 5turns. 135MHHz 4turns and 145 3.5turns. The gain of the receiver drops of considerably after 150MHz. The XTAL X1 is a 3rd overtone Xtal-455KHz IF, hense for 145.750MHZ it will be 48.3MHz. C1 is a 12pF variable for precission frequency tuning. T1 is the IF mixer BF981. The 455KHz IF is applied to a ready made 455KHz filter, then FM Discriminated (the diodes are 1n60's) and the audio fed to the Audio Output IC.

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This page was updated on 31st July 2000.