Welcome to the Realm of Natural VLF Radio (0.2 - 11 kHz)

Note: Please bookmark www.auroralchorus.com as a change in the site host will soon be made (dropping TRIAX.COM because of the increasing unreliability from Firstworld, Inc. of Greenwood Village, Colorado). The www.auroralchorus.com address will remain stable, as will QNET.COM addresses. Thank you. - S. McGreevy, Nov. 2001

This website will introduce you to the sounds of Earth's fascinating, naturally-occurring radio signals between 300 Hz and 10 kHz. I am a sound recordist of this beautiful sounding phenomena of nature and take delight in presenting unaltered, direct recordings of "Natural VLF Radio" signals of Earth.

Aurora photo - 23 Aug 1996, Manitoba, Canada
Stormy 'Space Weather' spawns aurora and gorgeous natural VLF radio sounds.
Aurora photo taken by Steve McGreevy in northern Manitoba, Canada on 23 August 1996.

Aurora photo - 13 Aug 2000, Alberta, Canada
Another aurora photo of red and green aurora taken by Steve McGreevy in northern Alberta, Canada on 13 August 2000 at 0200 MDT.

(Frequently asked-for pages/information:)

WR-3 Pocket-portable Natural VLF Radio Receiver Information

JUMP TO NATURAL ELF-VLF RADIO AUDIO FILES and download MP3 file recordings.

Auroral Chorus II CD information

WR-3 hand-held VLF receiver information pages

Look at other Natural VLF Radio documents on this site

Q: What Is Natural Radio?

A: Natural ELF/VLF Radio - also called "Natural Radio" - are audio-frequency radio signals of Earth in the approximately 200 Hz to beyond 10,000 Hz (10 kHz) spectrum which are not man-made but occur naturally in nature. Most of the best phenomena are heard between 400 Hz and 5 kHz.

Science and SoundScapes: Interest in naturally-occurring ELF/VLF radio phenomena such as "whistlers" and "chorus" has enjoyed a rapid resurgence during the past 10 years on the part of academic research via orbiting space-probes and ground-based monitoring efforts, and also notably amongst amateur hobbyists world-wide thanks to easy availability of sensitive receiving equipment. As Solar-Cycle 23 nears its peak (during 2001) increased solar-activity has been spawning great amounts VLF phenomena here on Earth, as it is activity on the Sun and its Solar Wind that help create the great variety of VLF phenomena that we can monitor - whether for research and experimentation, or simply for the enjoyment of listening to yet another realm of nature's beauty!

Most importantly, a great many people who are not really "radio nuts" or "techies" but who love nature and listening to interesting sounds have listened to Natural Radio either live or recorded and have called it the "music of Earth itself." To listen and enjoy Natural Radio, the audio-frequency radio waves must be converted directly to sound frequencies so we can listen to them with our ears. This is what my receiving eqipment does, and the enjoyment of collecting a large recorded library of these phenomena (beginning in June 1989) is my foremost interest.

Lightning storms, Earth's magnetic-field , and the Aurora Borealis and Australis (Northern & Southern Lights) all produce an amazing variety of electromagnetic "sounds," such as sferics (lightning-stroke static), tweeks, Whistlers of countless variety, the incredible "Chorus" chirping, barking and squawking radio "sounds" produced by the the Sun's solar-wind hitting Earth's magnetic-field; various kinds of "Hiss"; bizzarre "wavering-tone" emissions, and other endless variety of fascinating radio sounds to listen to.

VLF Listening site in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada

This photo is of my van and WR-4b receiver antenna at a VLF listening site in the Black Rock Desert in northwestern Nevada, 22 September 1996. Remote desert locations are far from sources of electrical interference (such as AC power-lines) and are also great listening places, especially above 40 degrees north (geographic) latitude.

The WR-4b receiver's  vertical whip antenna of 9 feet (2.6 m) in length is attached to van on its rear door. This is the VLF receiving system and expedition "accomodation" I have used for the past 9 years.

Spectrogram image of loud Nevada whistler

Spectrogram of strong Nevada whistler (19 April 1996 - McGreevy)

Natural VLF radio signals tell a great deal of what is happening with Earth's "near-space weather," that is, what is going on between the Sun and Earth. Invisible weather to our eyes but just as wild and stormy at times as the weather "down here."

Gorgeous auroral curtains of 23 August 1996 in Manitoba, Canada

Auroral curtains photographed at 0500 UTC on 23 August 1996 in Manitoba, Canada during my SOLAR-MINIMUM VLF RECORDING EXPEDITION. Photo by Stephen P. McGreevy

Many listeners to natural VLF radio note how the majority of these recordings of Earth's beautiful Natural VLF Radio sounds closely resemble biological/vocal sounds made by birds, frogs, whales, seals, etc. (or sci-fi sound effects). As we begin a new Solar-Cycle (#23) and see increasing numbers of sunspots and associated magnetic-storms and disturbances here on Earth, we're already seeing an upsurge in naturally-occurring VLF phenomena. Between now and the sunspot peak in the years 1999 - 2001, we're entering a fabulous time once again to listen to radio signals below 10 kHz.

Learn and HEAR more about Natural Radio sounds via the Links below. It's radio unlike what you've ever heard before...

Natural Radio Audio-Files Page:

Audio-files of great 1993 - 1999 Natural ELF/VLF Radio recordings in .WAV format are on this site on the page link right above. On this page, NEW 16 bit/22050 kHz sampled STEREO files have been added. Most others are mono/8-bit 11 kHz, 50K - 500K. All of the audio files available for downloading tell (more than a million words would) all about the incredable variety of natural radio signals that can be monitored in the audio-frequency radio spectrum. Hearing is believing!

 In addition to the audio files page on this site, there is another webpage of audio files I have recorded residing on the University of Iowa Plasma Wave Group server.


The VLF Story: A story of my beginnings in VLF listening back in 1989 and subsequent travels to obtain my recordings. Includes a brief history of professional and amateur VLF research and easy-to-understand theory about the causes of these phenomena.

Travels to Great VLF Listening Spots. A travelogue, with photographs, of beautiful places I (and others) have traveled to listen to Natural Radio away from electrical interference. Enjoy!

VLF LISTENER'S HANDBOOK (Text-only version) I have combined the text portions only (no images or hyperlinks) of the THE VLF STORY (see link below too for entire version); The WR-3/3E LISTENING GUIDE; plus a sheet describing the various SOUNDS OF VLF PHENOMENA. Save to your hard-drive and read/print off-line with your web browser. Chock full of about 50(+) pages of information all about Natural ELF/VLF Radio (145K of HTML text as of October 1997)

Description of Natural Radio "Sounds" These descriptions of VLF phenomena help you interpret what you're hearing - whether with a VLF receiver or what is presented in the .WAV audio-file recordings on these web sites

1996 SOLAR MINUMUM Expedition to Manitoba, Canada. This report also includes detailed descriptions and PHOTOGRAPHS of the nightly displays of the Northern Lights (Aurora) I viewed while there from 22 August to 05 September 1996 and what natural ELF-VLF radio events correlated to them each day.


WR-3/WR-3E VLF Receiver Listening Guide: A good source to learn more about natural radio.  SOON, the popular (for 10 years now!) WR-3 hand-held VLF receiver will be again available!

Download and listen to Natural Radio recordings in .WAV file format I have placed at the University of Iowa Plasma Wave Physics web site. McGreevy Ground-based VLF Recordings.

Are you a do-it-yourself electronics-project builder? Check out the McGreevy BBB-4 "Bare Bones Basic" Receiver page.

Aurora photo - 26 Aug 1996, Manitoba
Another photo of Manitoba aurora - 29 August 1996. Places where the beautiful Northern Lights can be seen (i.e. northern U.S. states, all of Canada and Alaska, northern Europe) are supurb places also to listen to natural radio.

Still much more about Natural VLF Radio...:

Stephen P. McGreevy, N6NKS
Last modified 06 February 2001