FFT Properties


Build 233 12. December 1999

1. Added support for floating point number format when saving to text files. (.asc and .sgr)
2. Save spectrum from the File menu now works correctly.
3. Documentation is now in Adobe Acrobat format.

Build 232 11. September 1999

1. Printing did not advance signal automatically. (down the signal and across records).
2. Sampling frequency info did not change after decimation.
3. Improved source button switching.
4. On some computers (NT) CPU load indicator does not work. This causes memory leak. (not fixed).
5. Default templates with printing colors set to B/W are now included in the distribution.
 (You must save the template immediately after starting FFTProp).
6. Saving .wav and .bin files. Improved save options dialog behavior.
7. Added support for 32 bit integer wav files.
8. Added support for 96kHz, 88.2kHz and 48kHz wav files.
9. Zero padding of more then 2 causes memory leak, when streaming from the sound card. (not fixed).


Version: 3.5 Changes from ver 3.01 to 3.5 (August 1999)

1. Real time record and play monitoring.
2. CPU load
3. User definable screen update frequency.
4. Double precision allows phase angle measurement with 0.000001 degree accuracy.
5. Auto and single trigger.
6. Trigger on peak, border pass, (post/pre trigger).
7. Trigger channel can be different from data channel.
8. Bode plots: Amplitude - Frequency, Phase - frequency.
9. Peak hold averaging.
10. Write on trigger.
11. User definable sine sweep speed.
12. On-line wavelet analysis.


Version: 3.01 Changes from ver 3.0 to 3.01 (June 1999)

1. Peak filtering
2. Totally accurate phase measurement for all non-periodic signals. (with a reference at the begining of the time window).

3. SNR, SINAD, SFDR, Noise-floor statistics.

Version: 3.0   Changes from ver 2.5 to 3.0 (April 1999)


1. Real spectrum
2. Imaginary spectrum
3. Cross-correlation
4. Auto-correlation
5 .Discrete cosine trasform
6. Real cepstrum
7. Cross spectrum
8. Transfer function
9. Coherence.
10. Total harmonic distortion % and Noise %
11. Two new text files.
12. Reads windows PCM (*.wav) support.
13. Signal overlapping. (samples and %).
14. Hilbert transformer generator and filtering
15. Kaiser parametric window
16. Chebyshev parametric window
17. Zero padder.
19. Higher order spectra: Bispectra and Bicoherence
20. Periodogram.
21. RMS, Mean, Crest, Peak, StDev - Time charts.
22. Peak Amplitude, Phase, frequency - time charts.
23. Wavelets decomposition.
24. Multirate Decimation/Interpolation.
25. Chart cloning.
26. Parametric printing (down/across) (sequential /mulitplexed) of files.
27. Automatic detection of multiplicative components (sidebands and modes)
28. Automatic marking of harmonic components.
29. Interpolation of marked peaks achieving up to 500 times better frequency estimation
+/- 0.1 phase degree estimation, and 1000 times better amplitude estimation then with standard
FFT resolution and considerably better time-frequency resolution (obsoletes Cohens general type of time-frequency distributions).
30. Traces peaks: current or largest.
31. Automatically finds largest peaks.
32. Prints while tracing peaks.
33. Each chart can save: marks, picture, values.
34. Fully configurable marks (color, shape, size...)
35. Single line bispectra/bicoherence analysis.
36. Real time emulator.
37. Last used file list.
38. Drag and drop file capabiliy.
39. Intel Pentium, Pentium II and Pentium III optimized.


Version: 2.5   Changes from ver 2.0 to 2.5 (November 1998)


1. Multichanneling. (8 parallel channels.)
2. FIR filter with Designer and speed profiler.
3. Multi-series charts with legend.
4. A new product support: The basic Delphi signal processing package. The package mirrors the main features of FFT Properties with three Delphi components.


Version: 2.0   Changes from ver 1.0 to 2.0 (September 1998)


1. Two displays: Time signal, Frequency Spectrum.
2. Power Spectrum
3. RMS Spectrum
4. Phase Spectrum
5. Three input signals support.
6. Separate adjustment of DC, Phase, Frequency and Amplitude.
7. Real time emulation. (Smooth animation)
8. Log/Lin Scale.
9. Static/Dynamic Scale.
10. Single/dual screen display.
11. Import of signals from files.
12 Export of signals to files.
13. Export of charts to: BMP, WMF, JPG, to clipboard and Files.
14. Zoom and panning.
15. Logarithmic amplitude and frequency.
16. Put picture behind the chart.
17. Background of chart can have gradient.
18. 3D free space Waterfall.
19. Three ways of scaling.
20. Averaging: linear and exponential infinite.
21. Separate configuration of charts for screen and paper.
22. Serial printing and page layout. Put 1,2,3,4 charts on signal page.
23. Tutorial on basics of frequency spectrum interpretation.
24. Configurable sample time and samples number (Sampling frequency)
25. Marking of peaks.
26. Completely serialized and automatic signal processing and printing.
27. Chart templates.


Version: 1.0   Initial capabilities (March 1998)
Signal generator:

* Sinus
* Impulse
* Triangle
* Square
* Transient
* Multiplication
* Delta function
* Gaussian noise
* Random noise

FFT Windows

* Rectangular
* Hamming
* Hanning
* Blackman
* Exponent Down.

The following phenomena can be observed in combination with the build in signal generator:

* FFT and signal type.
* FFT and Window type.
* Amplitude accuracy at different Windows.
* Frequency accuracy at different Windows.
* Power and RMS Amplitude towards normal.
* Phase spectrum and Windows.
* Beating of Amplitude in real time.
* The effect of DC and relation of DC towards signal average.
* FFT aliasing.
* Time signal aliasing. (Sampling)
* The effect of convolution: time signal and rectangular window.
* The effect of non-integer number of periods per Window. (In amplitude and Phase)
* Higher harmonics and aliasing.
* Sum and difference frequencies.

To contact the author send Email to: Janez.Makovsek@usa.net


The page was last updated on 06/05/01


© 1997-2001 Janez Makovsek. All rights reserved.
"FFT Properties" and "BDSPP" are a trademark of MA.JA